Scar,CH and Mr blacks shoulder cannons


That is straight up awesomeness!

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Who do you think will come out first?

City hunter hands down I think lol


His does look the most complete


I think City Hunter will, he was leaked much earlier than Scar and Black.


I hope the 2 balls and the end will be removed, it looks weird

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This is also good news because it appears that we might be able to change our plasma casters. Perhaps this will lead to further armor adjustments to customize our predators. I wish that we could customize the hunter 87 and other DLC Predators. I do not particularly like the look of the scout, Hunter, berserker predators.


Well it seems they certainly covered their bases with P2, AVP and Ps. I do like the sporty centurion from The PRedator, that always struck me as cool as well and i hope we get that one. But I also think its important that each one has a unique face thats scarey enough. Kind of wish they put some kind of drool in there too!

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With as early as City Hunter leaked I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s next. That gun looks pretty good and he leaked long ago. City Hunter’s gauntlet design is also used by Elder so City Hunter was probably cooking for awhile.


Pred with Ghost’s PC has a sniper rifle as secondary weapon… is that cheating yet?

I think its just a weird loadout bug. Or predator can use guns now lol

Let’s gooooo

Wonder if the plasma casters will have a unique properties like speed, damage, splash damage, etc. I know Berserker’s is supposed to be much faster then regular PCs, so there’s the question: Will it be faster?
I also hope in the future we can switch between plasma casters.

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Happy Hackday! I guess 1-Blu-1 has no relation to 1-Woof-1?