Should we be posting stuff here? (BOW BUG RESPONSE)

Sorta floored at the moment. (Twitter response from an individual talking with illfonic)

This ONE Twitter response has provided more information about the ongoing “BOW BUG” than all of your twitch streams and forum coverage combined about literally ANYTHING.

Everyone, to my knowledge on this forum, has put in some level of time and effort into making YOUR game better.

The least you could do is answer folks on your direct forum.

You know? The folks that have been still fighting through to make ends meet in your game? While others have just left it, but will come back at the drop of a hat.

Especially pertaining to game breaking bugs, ESPECIALLY ones that have been broke for months.

Think 2021 needs to be WAY MORE proactive, especially for the folks that proactively make your game better FOR YOU.

Here’s to hoping.

@OldKingHamlet @Courier


Not gonna happen man. 😐🤷‍♀️

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I’m keeping my hopes up

My face right now


You’re assuming that they’ll ever log on and read posts.