Mine? That is just the gold shader you get for free when you reach level 150.
Show us your Predators 2.0
It’s the shader you get for reaching level 150 and it costs your soul
Yeah, that too🤣
Here is my predator 2.0 oh wait that’s right, I blue screen every time I try to load the game…
Alpha Predators are always gorgeous to behold.
Until they get stuck on a rock and pumped full of lead :(
Jungle Hunter!
The Devil!
City Hunter!
Blue Samurai!
That’s all of my preds. Half of them just from the movies lol. I just prefer playing as preds that already exist rather than make my own. Hopefully we get some more loadouts soon.
Agreed. My primary City Hunter and Elder haven’t been customised, I’m keeping them OG. I have a City Hunter variant in Vanadium with green skin purely for Overgrowth, because you can sit in bushes uncloaked and they don’t see you it’s that good.
Wow. Shaders OP?
Yup. I used to do it with my Alpha build, made him all green and you just blend right in. Followed it up with City Hunter, and it’s impressive. Some shaders are actually beneficial and not just cosmetics. Darker shaders work best on Backwater, lots of shadows and dark corners to lurk in 😏
I got the idea from people going against the PC teams using graphics settings to spot cloaked Predators. They figured out that certain shaders worked better than being cloaked, crazy right?
That actually sounds fun lol.
The best looking pred is the one that beats 5 pc premades in a row in the current meta using a scout. Trust me its not me…id love to see some scout buffs
Everything looks hype except for the pear-shaped old lady at the bottom. She looks like she has lower back problems.
That’s actually sick asf, fits alpha very well
Love it.