SkePtiK’s testing request thread

How long does the post sprint damage boost last?

that would be 50% total 20% duelist 10%bane 20%sprint buff

if leader(10%) would be a total of 60% dmg up

OldKingHamlet had claimed 3 seconds extra damage duration after sprinting for at least 3 seconds.

Why aren’t these changes in the patch notes? Seriously this is cool info that I’d like to see from the devs not a community member having to test out and figure it out just to let us know something that should’ve been told to us from the beginning. Good work as always Skoolboy.

TBh i’m surprised the devs don’t just have like a notepad document they all can access (cause if some of them are working from home still they have to have a way to share files)
for when they make any change in the game it seems like the easiest thing ever

then just separate by each update @Courier could just copy paste it and never miss anything

(if this is a thing then dev’s just need to do a better job and marking down what they accomplish over a month’s time)

also could you test this just to be sure Courier said he looked into it way back when but never got any patch note confirmation or word from him

and i just want to know if it’s placebo at this point


Yeah. It might have to wait until tomorrow, for me to test it.

60% damage buff. Fuck me sideways. This game is so fucked.

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And to think I was gonna switch back to being a Pred main after Cleo…shit, I’m gonna load up a hot Scout Duelist with Bane, hope for some bots and go to town!

Added Cleo sprint speed.

Do you know how many seconds is active after sprinting?

I’m guessing 5 sec.

Assault+Duelist+Bane = 140% damage
I’ve been rocking that exploit dude for a while and I still get melted in solo pubs

I highly doubt scout duelist with bane and passive will do any better if is just for 3 seconds after sprinting, and you are running a weaker class.

@Eshtion you seeing this shit?

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Yes solo pubs are the epitome of a team based game

I meant the assault duelist shit.

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Clearly he meant deadly

No. Assault duelist
Support duelist
Scout deadly

I can put any specialization on any of the base classes (assault, scout, recon and support) at will

I can do the same with the Predator base classes (scout, hunter and berzerker)

Devs have been shared the details of how it is done. They still haven’t patch it

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You can always counter the Assault Dueslist with a Hunter Ghost.

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berzerker disciplined
Scout stalker

Just helped a friend set up his scout tracker

hacks and cheats courtesy of @BadBlood at

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