So unbalanced and one sided for pred

Yeah, here we go a peep who has no idea what he is talking about. The stun has been already nerfed. Aside for that parring the elder sword is very hard even from the front if the predator is moving. Now I don’t know about you but parring the elder sword from the sides and back is impossible for me. Any predator leaping on your back and using the elder sword is probably going to down you before you can turn around and pull out your knife.

Go watch the PS tournament (vids are up) and see how many times does guys got parries in and those peeps did not even use the elder sword.

I’m one of the peeps who find people who whine and claim things are op just can’t accept losses very well. One side or the other is going to lose and you can blame something is ‘op’ or just accept the loss with dignity learn from it and try again it’s that simple.

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Have u even played the game my guy.

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Errmmm not imo a scout will die immediately if he tries melee even with jumping a zerk has a
Much better chance lmao

I’m a decent pred but I played a match last night where one FT dropped but they where still a bitch to approach due to their liberal grenade launching anytime I’d open my big dumb mandible face and utter some pointless chittering

No, Pred is fine. Buff warclub


Yeah but that tournament can’t even be used as an argument cause they arbitrarily limited the FT if 2 of them had an AK predator would’ve dropped without even needing to break out a knife


Ha. It’s funny to see so many of you still whining about parries, even when it got significantly nerfed in the last patch. How bad are you at playing predator, really? Illfonic needs stat tracking and some kind of leaderboard, because most of the predator players on this forum must be in the bottom 10%.

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Whoever is still complaining about this age old myth of humans can’t take on alien killer beings with old aged weapons and tactics, i recommending watching Predator 1987 and STFU.


Why do you guys automatically put it to a ranking system. Games are supposed to be enjoyed by all not just top players. Everyone is supposed to have fun, that means if a lot of people are saying there is an issue with the Predator not being what they are supposed to be you listen to the masses not those of you who consider yourselves elite players. The casual players way outnumber the elite so called pro players. The next game comes along and you so called Pro players will all leave and you want them to setup the game by your BS outlook. Ok when your all gone to the next best thing who will be left, o wait that is right the casual players and real Predator fans and if the game is not what we want then guess what? They shut down the servers because nobody is gonna want to play a crap game set in favor of balance. You buy a Predator game to play as the Predator. Get all your heads out of your asses because really nobody cares about proplayers and their opinions when it comes to what makes a game fun to play…

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And before you even say Git Gud or your a crap Predator, my kill percents are greater then my losses. I play as the Predator just fine as well as the FT so no issue there. It is just this game is in favor of so called balance when in truth a 4 vs 1 scenario in nature is already an unfair fight. So the Predator should be way overpowered and allowed to use everything at their disposal. This unfortunately is not the way the game is no so even casual players and beginners are not having any fun playing. That is why player counts with continue to steadily drop the older this game gets. No new modes, no bot modes, no new enemies, no new weapons for the humans, no reward for leveling other then access to new skins and a few new weapons. This game is a 5 out of 10 at best in it’s current state.

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Sadly the truth is PS and PC is where the unbalance happens. Not at the loadout level. Unfortunately those who have an opinion about their balancing is strictly bound to their control system.

I repeat the controls is where the balancing needs to happen. Sadly you can only go with one operating system or the other PER account.

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They could end the arguments just by adding a bot mode with access to dev tools and allow the player to set up the match stipulations. End of argument.

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Not everybody wants to play a balanced game when it comes to being the galaxy’s top hunter.

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you are off your rocker if you think the predator is op… its weak as shit and constantly has to runaway like a little bitch to go heal up while the ft pukes have insta health regen, plus can be picked up if downed, and can be brought back to life through reinforcements… just to name a FEW issues… There are plennnnnty others issues that make the predator weak and noisy, and clunky… The game shouldve been called Fireteam Hunting grounds cause they absolutely have no fear of the predator… the predator is just a piss ant that they constantly squash

by the way, i havent played this trash game in over a month and only played as predator, never played as fireteam so i know the strengths and weakness of the predator… its just no fun… im level 96 if i recall and i just said screw it, whats the point…Till they fix the balancing and issue new maps/modes i dont feel the need to play and boost the fireteams xp


That’s why I think a lot of people that think the predator is weak flood the forums. The bottom 10% is a lot of people, and I’m sure the vast majority of average players routinely wipe the floor with the fireteam, and never even visit the forum.

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I wipe the floor with the FT 8 out of 10 times but I really just want the overall true to lore Predator experience that I think a lot of players were looking for.

You want to stomp the other 4 players we get it already.

(You must have gotten better I remember you say you wiped 1 or 2 out of 10 matches.)

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The damn glitches and bugs are my downfall most the time. The long claim, the jump glitch when thrown into 2nd wind, the infamous bugs the city hunter deals with, i have even had FT shooting at me from under the ground where I couldn’t get to them.

No if playing people I want a fair match where no exploits are being used but that doesn’t happen these days. FT firing at me from under rock faces and the ground kinda shows me where people’s values are when facing off against me now. I shut off PC players altogether due to the numerous exploits they are using so now I only play PS4 players.

I want a bot mode where I can stomp ai FT. Why is it people automatically assume I want to stomp other players. I like the challenge but only if the other players are not using exploits. And yes I have gotten much better now since the introduction of the city hunter.