Something bigger.....?

In the ground, on fossils? There’s already modern day preds they’ve captured, taken tech from, killed, and dissected.

Maybe it is supposed to be a fossil expedition and they came across them?

Good point. Maybe trying to figure out how long hey have been here, from a human perspective.

Our imagination has not left us. We believe Graveskull is hear

Depends are there human remains at the site, if so, within 200,000 years.

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my imagination hasn’t left me. I just don’t think Illfonic put that much thought into it ngl.

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Cavemen and a sabertooth tiger ambushed 2 preds in their sleep xd.
I just don’t see it being the result of any kind of previous human conflict.

Excavation would be a nuclear hole in the ground.

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Both. Burried side by side with animal bones as well.

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They do have a narrative team so its safe to assume a digsite map is as relevant as the autopsy’s and such

Look up when Sabre tooth cats went extinct in South America, should give an idea.

The bad bloods are ass can we stop talking about them lol. There is a comic of ghost who lays waste to bad bloods and only uses a sword. 1 v10… easy for him… hes just a normal pred

Mr. Black couldnt even move in predators… literally he does nothing fantastic at all throughout predators… def nothing compared to wolf

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The one in Predator: Bad Blood went head to head with a battlemaster (the best of the elite rank) and did decent, ofc he’s the exception rather than the rule. Yeah super predators suck tho

I just assumed there was the occasional dead Pred during those ancient hunts. Can’t win 'em all.

That couldn’t get a self-destruct off & another pred didn’t come detonate or retrieve the body? I suppose. Even then these preds died right next to eachother. Severely outmatched or ambushed.
That’d be an outstanding win for ancient humanity if the case.

It’s Roseanne I’m fucking telling you

Those that were actually killed outright rather than just wounded. You know, like Mr. Black, killed with an axe.
And the gear was sealed up in the tombs from the missions. Its not like we saw any pred detonate another’s in the movies, and from the games, it was just the mockery of lore that was AVP3. Bodies get buried.
And why did they have to die next to each other? People just left them where they died and what, geology buried them over the years?

This is what I see. Dutch won when he started using more primitive styles of combat. Now imagine a group of people who are actually trained in these styles and have been doing it their entire lives. You kill a Pred, take his skull as he did your people, give them all a proper burial. And during the next hot year, try and kill another pred. That explains the small burials of pred skulls, as they killed only a handful, and stuffed the gear they can’t use in those tombs.

Screenshot please!
I just lots of spine like things…not sure but they arent really long.

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Humans killed them.

Would work. Unfortunately unavailable in the public (broken) version of the game that you humans have access to.

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