This game is kaka! There are no rules, you can’t report cheaters, you have to use what you have at hand… You once sent me two clips with invincible predators…Which were not affected by bullets, and the predator that was still burning with the laser…
Soo been a few years how is everyone lol
rombak is best player in predator hunting grounds
A good hekar is the False Fireteam. This hekar uses a targeting bot, the fanatic bug, movement speed, and the auto click bug with the predator’s locator. He searched the whole map using scanning and speed…sped… I used the invisibility bug, silent walking, and the most agile predator… And I barely survived… I escaped using a secret entrance in the rock where only the short predator could enter.
masterful, your parents must be very proud.
Rombak needs to write a book or a screenplay for his glorious encounters in the jungo. :D:D:D:D
One of the skills of the predator hunter teams is to attract the predator to the battlefield. They would detonate barrels to be detected faster by the predator. An example is Craftsman… with Andrei’s friend… These players, in addition to bugs and exploits, also used high-performance headsets, tracking exactly the direction from which the predator appears. And here is another stupid, dead alien. Rombak learned to mislead them, that’s why they hated me and left the game! I didn’t please them… I would come through the trees, betraying my presence using the cloak and the growl of the predator. The boys waited and there was silence… Where had Rombak disappeared!!! During the descent to the ground completely invisible using an exploit … and they each received a blow coming from nowhere. Attention !!! I did not use weapons that would betray my location … I paid them with the same coin … They no longer wanted to play with the silent Kriminal legendary killer … they preferred weak predators, beginners who fell into their traps.
You best criminal! Second place FY 😂