Standing still... so see me or see me not?

So apparently I’ve come across pc players and ps4 players that addressed about seeing or not seeing the predator, while he’s cloaked and standing still. While I am standing still I’ve noticed Pc do spot me often cause I thought maybe they see my blood or something, but I’ve noticed ps4 players don’t see me at all even though blood is pouring out lol.

Ps4 gamers said that they can’t see the predator at all (standing still)

Pc gamers said they see the predator all the time (standing still)

I thought illfonic intentionally mentioned that the predator was suppose to be completely invisible (Standing still) with the naked eye? Has this been discussed in the forum before, shouldn’t that be something they should fix?

I am on PC and if i stand still and close my eyes no one sees me:) and in the game as predator it is the same. if i cloak and stand still im not visible to anyone after a short duration. its the same for everyone.


The science for you.

The verdict here was. If they can see you and you are standing still, they are trolling you, bugged, or …

but if they hit you, they can see you. also i play with headphones and it is possible to hear where exactly the pred stands if he is really near. i can then shoot in that area


Me and buddy tired this both on ps4. He was pred. I can see him when he moves but when he stand still and I think crouching you completely start to turn invisible and even seen him do those light things in is eyes as he turn invisible. I’m telling you complete invisible you’ll think you ran into an invisible wall that you get from glitches

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you dont need to crouch, just dont move. you can move your sight, change weapons, aim and so on. but dont move your feed, thats all. Of course if you change vision you get visible for a short time

Are you on PS4 or PC? If PC, go to settings, lover all your graphics to low (esspecially shadows, turn them off). Join a match as FT. You will see…

PS: Illfonic this bullshit needs to be sorted asap.

My homie used the bow and I couldnt see him either though.

Right, well I’ve changed my methods. I used to just stalk my prey and have fun with them, but as it seems when this problem occurred, I became more aggressive and showed no mercy towards pc or ps4 whatever… they just rage quit. some do stay til the end of the game (who I respect more)

I’m on pc and man that’s crazy lol. Yeah illfonic needs to step up

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i play on ultra

Its all nice and as intended on Ultra and cinematic, but if you will lower your graphic settings and turn of shadows - suddenly cloak is no longer a thing for predator

And that’s what makes it sad lol. ain’t really predator on prey… maybe prey on predator, might as well call it evolve lol

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this is just fucked up: but still if you stand still you can not be seen right? or how does it look with the shadow thing?

Like many said, PC can br manipulated more and easily.

PS4 can confirm that you stand still you just vanish. You be shot and I think that will break the full invisibility? But you can shoot your bow and stay hidden. They can trace the shot though if you spam shoot.

Wtf did I just watch lol. No way people would be ok with these settings. Unreal lol

True… but the point is on pc, you’re appearing in an area where FT are not paying attention while you’re predator. Then you’re standing still and bam they spot you on the dot without looking anywhere else. Probably hearing the noises, but that accurate tho? That’s insane lol

On ps4 they are running around like headless chickens (look lost) even if I shoot them with the bow. Ehhh not spamming tho, that’s when I’m just toying with them lol. They be like, “dudes where the fuck is this guy” “you’re a really good predator.” I’m just standing still 😂

Pc players, such as myself just have to be more aggressive with them and take them seriously

Yes, but you cannot see him. There are methods to use to find him, but the bottom line is you cannot explicitly see him.

We tested low settings and invisibility stood up to that.

If the invisibility is being negated/defeated the chances are they shaders are being tweaked outside the game.

I’ve watched the Predator go completely invisible many times.

If it stands completely still, it does work, HOWEVER, if you play against someone like me, I’ll shoot the last area of movement just like they did in the movies. Most of the time, I end up shooting the invisible predator and I can see that it would appear as though they were not invisible.

It’s just picking out the last area where you think you saw it, then blindly firing and spraying left to right. You’ll hit something eventually.

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