Star Wars : Squadrons

Like I said, if it wasn’t for Friday I probably wouldn’t be here.
I think it’s amazing, yes it could have been done better by a AAA studio but then it wouldn’t have gotten made.

The other thing to consider is the genre, it might have died in the crib with Evolved if not for Friday’s massive sales and Dbd’s perseverance. Between them they proved there was money to be made.

Game is trash lol

Agree to disagree.
Course I’m also a a Slasher/Friday fan so while it may be niche, it’s my niche.

I’m a HUGE Friday fan

Did you order your blue ray collection?

That game is trash lol

Just my opinion

Not yet, Christmas. I need to leave things like that for holidays. I am looking forward to sharing them with my son though. He’s only seen Never Hike Alone but loves Jason.



Thanks Mikey!

Make me feel better after having all my money stolen

I wonder what the chances are for illfonic to get their hands on Friday the 13th again

They did write all the initial code

I would be very happy if they were able to get the rights after the lawsuit has settled so they could finish their game

Unfortunately they were hired guns, the people who had the licence were Gun Media the publisher. After the lawsuit stopped production of new content, illfonic handed everything dev related off too a company called Black Tower.

Maybe…just Maybe… Sony will get the rights in the future

Maybe, I don’t think Gun has any interest in returning to work on it.
If Sony does they should go read the Friday forums, there’s tons of ideas about how to make that game better.

Its an exact port over from xwing vs tie fighter… it gets boring quick

My interest is dwindling fast


I was hoping there was going to be an Elite Dangerous type mode where you could go into systems and do different jobs and customize your fleet. Wouldn’t that have made more sense than just taking the flight battle mode from SWBF2?

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Wow EA gave zero shits about this game if theres no future dlc.

That’s a new low even for them.

Eh that have seasons and dailys.

They just announced new content

Free content!

New map

2 new ships!

B wing (my fav) and tie defender

I remember getting rogue squadron for xmas one year

Maybe I’ll end up getting this game after all