Stargazer is the origin of the Colonial Marines

it’s not an exoskeleton, it’s litearlly just a steady cam harness, even in universe it’s literally just a steady cam harness that’s fit to work with the weapon.

Fun fact, do you know how you fire in the prone position with a smartgun? you lay out on your back with the gun down your body shotting from between your legs, I shit you not, it’s in the “Colonial Marines Technical Manual.”

it also covers how to properly fire the weapon from low cover positions too.

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The Predator had a original ending involving Aliens with Ripley/Newt traviling back in time, so there’s that.

I could imagine the Predator universe using the Aliens(James version) and the AVP one as part of it’s own lore, while leaving Scott’s version alone.
It could work since it would make sense humans adapting the Predator tech left behind by Wolf, Fugitive and Assassin, and using it for space travel and some CM equipment(smartgun tracking system and the shoulder lanterns that follows the user’s sight).

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Oh fuck…

You are on to something. Is this the real stargazer logo from The Predator or is Illfonic just trying to connect something?


That’s super cool! The more ya know eh!?

I’m not actually sure. I’d have to go back to the movie and pay heavy attention while I think it’s all OWLF that is actually in the movie I’m not too sure about stargazer

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OWLF is in Predator 2, Stargazer is in The Predator


Yea. OWLF came before Project Stargazer than stargazer fucked up so they got defunded and shutdown from the government. Than the government reinstated OWLF after and they are currently the showrunners with stargazer operating in the shadows

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Well they said the last paid dlc will add xenomorphs, maybe the fireteam will be able to unlock new equipment to plus stats that will look close to space marines armor.

I’m sorry but you’ll need to provide proof of that statement.

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Source please


Ur very agressive

The Smartgun. I love that thing. In the tech manual it said during the testing phases, the sharpshooters were actually so unsettled by all the bullets hitting the same hole that some Smartgunners still turn OFF the aim assist.

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lol I’m not the one seeking confrontation. If you don’t like my response then don’t tell me anything. Simple

So You liked my response cuhz you replied and I liked yours so I’m allowed to reply? :b so I decided to comment on your toxic behavior are you a child?

I can understand if this concept would be the basis of the single player campaign…if there ever will be one.
ie,…follow Dutch as he jump starts the beginnings of what would be called the USCM United States Colonial Marines derived from the remnants of Stargazer (a bunch of off the books AWOL soldiers looking for direction possibly like Assassins Creed Ossysey does in the recruiting of soldiers).
Somewhat kind of like the FOB in MGSV.

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Its stargezer in The Predator - now imagin where this can take this game to : Colonial Marines FT fighting thrugh AI xenos up agains a single Yautja…

My point is don’t poke the bear. How are you going to talk shit to someone and not expect them to say anything back to you… you just don’t make any sense lol
Some of y’all are really sensitive post 80’s-90’s and it shows lol

Lol. Its a proven fact if ppl call be snowflakes they themselves are snowflakes.