aNyoNe wHo diSagREes wiTH mE is A fiRePuSSy!


You are indeed.

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This game should be treated very seriously and is definitely worth this long of a conversation.

what in the fucking hell have I read

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If it were bugged, damage would’ve been 2 hits only


Being bugged has nothing to with limitations. Your argument is arbitrary by adding conditions to things that don’t relate.

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I’m not saying there’s shame in using it, the point made was that he said it’s not bugged but it is. I know that if things worked out as intended with no bugs that FT holds the major advantage, hell even with the bug they do but only if they’re in a premade. It’d be the same as a premade melting a random pred out there using every exploit out out there.

No matter how much the weapon outclassed the others it does not change the crux of the problem that is this game is shit, so with that we agree.

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It hurt itself in confusion… again.


Somebody sure had an axe…to grind 🤭

Ya but I never actually responded to this. I commented on something in the same post, but not that directly. So bringing this up in our conversation is irrelevant because we already agree.

Ya but you cant exactly just swap over for non premades.


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Missing the point. I made this post to humiliate fireteam players for complaining for more favors and still losing despite all of the goddamn advantages they received and all the excuses they accuse a singular target for having to do the same thing more often. Like many idiots here, most of you only scratched the surface

Yeah you show him your galaxy brain plays. Let him know what’s what.

No we get the point. We just don’t care. Just because you focused on one thing doesn’t mean everyone else will.

Get ready to be called a firepussy.


Sound like every FT player lives in your head rent free while you seethe with every loss as pred. You’re just a spastic twat who “pretends” to be a mouth breathing mongoloid.

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Like how every predator lived in your head rent-free after getting the better out of you and your premades mates?