The Biggest Salt Rage Ever!

played yesterday against a zerker, guys was bad at spotting and hiding (but was a zerker, after all)… Put enough rounds in him to take his mask off, if I recall correctly. Next thing I know, dude rushed in with Combi, I parried a couple of times but died anyway. Dude kills the entire FT and comes to claim… THEN HE OPENS HIS MIC and says “this is what happens when you piss me off” in a 10 year old voice I laughed so hard

I always laugh when a predator comes trashtalking… Other game had a dude spam mic at the beggining “I’m gonna give you 10 minutes and then destroy you”, didn’t last 5.



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OH HELL I would have been PISSED!

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the fun part is when you get the same FT twice in a row, and once they see you load in 2-3 immediately drop out of the lobby.


Sadly happened to me. :(

Same today happened to me, I wipe them out 10 sec before helicopter arrived and some German gentleman lost his shit and start screaming… :D


BRO tell me you recorded it!!!

was rage against teammates, but still…

you are unpissable, my man… I’ll make sure to subscribe

It’s funny as hell, but I think it’s best to hide the names, for the sake of the community. Just saying. You are free to do whatever you want, but I’d hide the names so that there are no means for problems or toxic activity.
Still funny as hell.

I didn’t man, don’t have capabilities. average pc


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He started sounding more autistic as he got more mad 😂


MFer cant even talk properly sounded like he having a real brain anurism as he goes on more… man, you can even, ca evem, fuck you N, N N, you , yea wahaw afowjoafh oasnhf iuba flatline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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He really said he doesn’t know how to looking like,Who’s dead and who’s still Alive😂


haha, fuckin smashed him

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I almost died! but maaan it was great!

whata bout me? :(

Why all the racial slurs? Geez

It’s ignorance sadly.