They definitely blew their cgi budget on Luke. Plus, the practical makeup has more charm to it, like a Toho monster suit. That cgi is very well done, but the cg looks a bit too skinny for my taste. In the animated show, everyone was skinny. The live action one looks great to me. Even his hat looks better now.

I finally saw lol wow it looks so real

Not true look at the final season

He just looks like a average duro but they are darker and his head is to small to be identified as one

That’s the same hat from Bad Batch


Haven’t seen bad batch or final season of CW. I’m so far behind on comics and shows… it’s almost like there’s too much shit out there demanding our attention and money…

The Duros from the original movie looked pretty light. Look at you, judging aliens by their skin color, you turd!

Then watch it already you filthy casual lol jk

It’s only 7 bucks a month for Disney plus that’s not a lot of money and you can watch everything Star Wars and for Comics, just watch Star Wars Comics YouTube Channel and he’ll give you the gist 😁

True but they are the ones to make him so blue lol also I changed my mind thanks to Star Wars Theory, I understand why he so light…he’s old lol 😂 I keep forgetting the series takes place after the Empire fell lol 🤣

Star Wars theory op

Physically and mentally

But in the good way


In my opinion it’s one of the best Star Wars channel, did you see his fan made stuff yet, the guys a genius!

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I’ve got D+ (Simpsons is on right now!), just not unlimited time for stuff. Wednesday evening, I dug through over 100 comic books I haven’t read yet!

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Sweet take a pic I’d love to see your collection 😁

Good gravy, thats a bottomless rabbit hole! This pile here is what i havent read yet. Now looking at it, it seems more like maybe 200 issues and trades! In my spare room, which is damn near inaccessible at the moment because we are winter hoarders here, there lies roughly 28 short boxes, with I’d estimate 2/3 filled to capacity. I need a bigger house or I need to sell some. It’s a problem.

Nice and ya sell em and buy the ones you can get in a omnibus 😁

Now the show is getting somewhere.

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Boba fett is a cold blooded killer who worked for the empire….
Also Cad Bane: shoots bounty hunter for a hat

He’s in his 70s his species gets lighter with age, and honestly this is mostly practical effects


Being a Mandalorian is overrated anyway but there still the bonus of being a bounty Hunter and if someone puts it on the mandalorians, he can always collect the reward 😎

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He’s going on a quest to mandalore to regain his honor eventually.

Would it be farfetched to guess baby yoda gets the darksaber one day?

No it’s obviously Grogu is going to leave Luke’s academy and join his father and they both go to mandalore and he becomes thee Mandalore and rule all the mandalorians…until first order shows up and destroy everything 🙄


Ohhh yeahhhh!!!


Ok, the finale was great. Finally, the Boba Fett we’ve been waiting for. Hopefully they learn from their mistakes this season and correct them next season, if there is one. I’d like at least one more featuring the Crimson Dawn.

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