The long claim auto glitch

This glitch has fucked me over more times then once. I’m getting really tired of it and just want to put the game down. Does this happen to anyone else?

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Everyone has experience this before, but This will be fixed on the next update coming aug 28 so don’t worry👍🏻

I’m hoping it is fixed but I’ll wait to see when it goes live

im a be honest so many people complain about this bug but i have never encountered it im starting to think its your alls controllers and keyboards lol

Wish that was the case

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Not even close when the game first came out i was fine never had that glitch then they added city hunter and i just started getting the glitch on all the pred and city hunter so i jist stopped playing then i jumped back on for a week and had 4 games where the auto claim fucked me…so as of now I’m done until its fixed tired of getting shit talked even though the glitch is what got them the victory…but hey whatever people do what people do

It seems to happen if you are in the middle of a fight. The game seems to think that you are not attacking but Claiming instead. Its a rare bug but it happens from time to time

Yea its always in the middle of combat its annoying but I’m glad they are addressing it