The no skill predators


When I saw the stats on YT I decided that I will buy this for range trolling only - and its fun AF XDDDDD

I mean does anything in this game require skill?


He had dithered lenses and the handheld one

Not really

Yea I really hate that. I like when they just want to knife fight my friends while I throw grenades at them or stand still in trees so I can snipe them a few times in a row then call them a bitch for running away to go heal. I really hate when they try to not just die immediately. That’s the worst. God bless



That makes it just a little harder, but not impossible. You can still see where the shots are coming from.

Do you mean bionic predators use dithered lens and plasma spam or they use it every minute and for combi stick do they melee with it or throw it.

They only use the plasma casters unless it runs out of ammo or mask is destroyed but then he tried to melee with the combistick and missed and then died wait also you can throw the combistick???

Also very important question did wolf ever get new sfx

Yep! But hey I still get XP even if I die so I’m not complaining

The only thing that I would complain about is about that bastard PS Predator player who somehow had more traps that what he should. He kept spamming traps to kill the entire fireteam which was weird

If I had Bionic, I would just break it even more, the game is broken anyway. 😄

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Yes you can throw the combi stick, the plasma spam seems like he isn’t thinking and is just spamming, and what do you mean by sfx?

Is this you




Like did he get a new roar croak growl etc

No that guy actually has skill

No, he got his iconic eye,. Thermal netting and nothing else.


Also I heard a post somewhere elder can use plasma caster laser after his mask is destroyed is that fake or nah im like 49 levels away from elder