ff7 remake is incredible game dude, i have re3 with resistance too. The resistance online is very good… i think you should have bought re3 too because mybrother is regretting choosing this over re3…! He is using pc too.
The patch ruined this game for me. And many others
Tell your brother that he is not the only one, if you want a survival game where you really are a hunter you should try Hunt, incredible graphics, great sound and especially unique gameplay.
Of course Epic store and I are done, damn stupid store … buy your customers giving away games because the service is horrible.
I’m looking for news about hunting ground and found that they are already selling accounts for only 25-30 € hahaha …
I can see that people regrets it, after this patch they ain’t wrong.
Any of the 3 game modes that predator has right now is boring.
Predator … very boring
Fireteam … often boredom.
Loot boxes …
What a scam, slow and boring now you do not earn anything you just lose the credits that it costs you to earn: D
Very true my friend. I absolutely agree
My brother doesn’t even have the pre order content yet, he pre ordered the digial deluxe on epic for 60$ and got the day one normal edition without any pre order bonus at all!! Lmao.
Luckily I have the content of the deluxe edition but not the reservation, I am in contact so that they can deliver it to me but for now nothing.
They don’t even reply back lol, they think by releasing this game they are rockstar games lmao.
There’s really no point in playing until new content, extending levels, or something.
We want to play but there is no incentive to allow FT to ask for reinforcements because they only give you experience … but you already have the maximum level hahaha it makes no sense.
What do you guys think about these ideas? (Read replies too. Alot of arguments already made.)
This game just died in my eyes, interactive behaviour won the race again illfonic!!
We don’t care about this if the game have serious performance issues man come on… this patch ruined everything.
They are not bad ideas, but now as the companion says, the game has serious performance problems that have declined with the new patch.
The game has a soul of its own as I said at the time but it is losing its spirit and its personality if it has ever had one, which I think was only during the beta.
Many players have lost our pre-purchase bonus or our deluxe edition content.
Once you are level 100 there is no more walking path.
Eventually you will end up tired of not getting items in the loot boxes, of seeing that you play and do not earn money.
You will discover that playing predator is boring because nothing is like in the movies or anywhere near similar to other predator titles.
You will play as fireteam and you will realize that you win very easily or the predator is a good player or a berserker and eventually you will get tired, you will wait for new content but the game will stop having essence and you will be bored of it in a month or two.
Edit: There is talk of asymmetric gameplay, but the maps are 3 totally identical maps, same areas and locations.
Missions as such? I think 3 or 5 missions that are randomly mixed between mission and map.
That is not asymmetric.
Playing predator is like playing jason, there is nothing asymmetric simply your mission is to go and kill.
Im sorry that you guys are having performance issues, but I am playing on a cpu that is below the minimum requirement, and while my fps does drop at times, It doesnt deter or even inhibit my ability to play effectively.
Even if you have the best, you will end up having problems lol. The optimization is just utter trash.
We have Friday the 13th, we have a predator … What’s next for a Terminator game? Well, the third one goes past due, it is often said … maybe in a couple of years “Terminator” The game will be released by Illfonic and it will be as successful as its previous games
They killed the franchise of jason, destroyed the franchise of predator, and they will make the terminator franchise vanish if they ever do it lol. Let alone the buggy mess launches they had with all their games.
Here is a demonstration of how epic a terminator game can be. Enjoy the gameplay.