The Player Observation Thread

lmao… you can’t do 360 trickshots on this game on console. Not even if you use a XIM adapter.

You can do it on PC with a Mouse because high dpi will allow you to do that, but controller simply won’t. It’s one of the reasons why I stopped using REWASD. No matter how fast you turn that stick to the side, the game will not move as fast

tell him to come read here

Yeah, that would be. But I can already tell it will be downvoted and argued and the usual from the ones who believe nothing is wrong, the game is fine, blah blah. People will believe what they want to believe, no matter how detailed you make it or how you explain the reasons.

Yeah I noticed that, sadly. I watched how Sam does it so I maxed out my sensitivity for hori/vert so I could turn faster for parries and knife attacks and to track better, and its nowhere near the same speed. Stick will never match the kind of precision and speed a mouse will give.

I did, looks like he’s gonna come on by.

HI STARSCREAMER142!!! Don’t mind the burning ciders and smoke smell, this place has been on fire and raging like LA for quite a long time.

Also, don’t mind the Capture mounted on the wall; “they take trophies, so do we”.

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it was me and me alone that made kass leave the forum

Should bump the balance thread and player rankings thread as well as the useful ones if you want them seen

Nooo, she was fired for leaking the DLC. Right, @NomadClan?

I went looking and there is so many threads about balance and rankings, and they’re all fairly outdated. We need some new ones with current information that can be occasionally bumped.

…not it. Get to it!

Oh hell naw. All these people need to know is that the balance sucks, FT is OP, and Samhain is the best ever.


These people hurt my head…like come on…


I expected better from Drugstor ngl. Tbf he used to be one of the best Predators on PS. Dunno why he’s talking like that there when he only recently came back to playing the game.

As for the Arcticboop dude, just classic ignorant fuckwit Redditor behaviour.

Huh. If he was one of the best Preds then yeah, he should have no issues with the current Fanatics, and should be aware that the 10% increase really isn’t much to worry about. And Arctic, yeah, typical ignorant reddit potato. I mean, I can understand just not being involved with the community, being a casual with the game and such, but when someone with years of experience with the game and has been around awhile tells you something, with patch notes and general consensus to back it up, you should probably take their word for it.


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It seems like he doesn’t even know there was a insanely high damage exploit.

There are technically 2 Fanatic exploits but everyone is so used to the one where it just doesn’t function properly that it’s practically just part of the game at this point. If someone mentions the “Fanatic exploit” or “Reckless exploit” then we are all gonna assume they mean the exploit that allows the Fireteam player to literally 1 shot the Predator.

He’s probably being so arrogant because he thinks you’re talking about the old one that has been in the game since it’s addition & hasn’t been fixed. If he knows about the more recent Fanatic & Reckless exploits & still decides to say they haven’t been fixed when I don’t believe he ever played the game while they were a thing, then it’s just plain ignorance.

Fcking asswhole I knew I would be here lol. We didn’t even disagree we just had a dick measuring contest

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LOL. People on reddit gotta be careful, we got a nice hall of fame here. But see, I just wanted to clarify for anyone else reading that might not know about the different Fanatic exploits. You saying its not fixed with no context implies the nasty one still works, THAT one doesn’t but the older one, yeah it still does. And still, 10% damage isn’t that much! Even with stacks!! If you’re the legendary Predator they say you are, them Fanatics should be nothing but (plasma) cannon fodder for you.


Ya I haven’t come back to privates I’ve just been playing pubs with some friends, there all mostly shit but I play other games with them

a lot of people just dont realize how even the default ft dmg of shit like sawz is high, if you get a shot from assault + bane + fanatic + leader it is stupid but still part of game, then they think its that bug

I dont see a reason to do otherwise, just playing with friends in pubs is kind of what was fun for many in the first place but it got complicated.
