The Player Observation Thread

also weird new bug involving replacing bot, game is fucked


Good play I actually got shredded the last 2 but it was fun

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As expected. Like Iā€™m sure combi/trident is a lot of fun in pubs and thatā€™s where it works best, but against an actual good team, it canā€™t stand up.

the topic was ā€œMy Take On Gladiatorā€

i chuckled


Meeeee mememememememe!!!

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Ah, PHG Reddit, the biggest shit-hole on the internet.




Brother I didnā€™t think I could lose any more fucking braincells reading that shit but I get proven wrong every time


@OGSTEPH youā€™re still an idiot


i watched the video, the guy was playing literal spuds. these peopleā€™s egos are laughable


It honestly makes me NOT want to go there looking for shit to clip and post here, because it just hurts my brain so much to read. I mean, I get itā€¦not everyone reads the forums and comprehends the information here, not everyone watches videos from Sam and the like who talk about Illfonicā€™s issues and the gameā€™s problems. I get that theyā€™re ā€œhaving funā€ with wild builds with random perks. But deliberately giving misinformation, claiming that they know better than veterans whoā€™s played the game since the beta and have spent hours testing in-game results, even going as far as getting the actual values from the game files themselves, and generally being absolutely ignorant and putting down people trying to help them or tell them they did not face an actual good team, thatā€™s the kind of bullshit this thread is about.

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Link me, I need to see this shit

it was in the original post that you screenshotted

ohhh ok. sorry i just got to work, havenā€™t been on reddit yet

keyboard warrior-ing on PHG forums > work

Oh, absolutely. Just gets boring when nothing happens here for hours.

Watched that video. Jesusā€¦that FT probably just got the game, had no idea what to do. So yeah, of course spamming R2 is going to down them super fast. Love to see him face a team of two or three that actually know how to shoot and parry. Using the regular smart disc is a sin, also.

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Predator: Sussy Grounds

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Have you seen the one that a guy posted about thoughts on swapping in the Bow for the Crossbolt Gun in his Feral build? I replied on that saying to just use the Plasma Pistol instead basically & listed all the reasons why it is better than the Bow & said to not listen to r*tards who complain about spamming & sure enough some cretin replied to me saying ā€œjust say youā€™re bad as the Predatorā€.

Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s the same guy who says all this horseshit about ā€œan arbitrator will be sent to deal with you Bad Bloodā€.


I saw the tread earlier but just went to read that exchangeā€¦this guy is a child, 100%. Like he must be in his teens, any older would indicate legitimate mental issues. Just scroll through his comment history, he says douchbaggery shit on purpose just to be an asshole, especially on the PHG sub.

Heā€™s also been on the GTA Online sub, which further confirms he must be very young. -17 karma too, a loooot of people donā€™t like the shit he has to say lol. And yeah heā€™s the same guy who said that weird shit about an arbitratorā€¦like who tf says this?

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Again that hurts a lot please stop