The Player Observation Thread

True, but think about the bragging rights if using an actual Scout. Like literally the weakest class.



You can’t fix stupid. Put that idiot in the ground, and record it


both of these people need help

also @OGSTEPH could your head get any bigger?? why dont you come play me and we can see if we cant get it to shrink a little bit?


Might be able to play tonight, if so I’ll diddle with a Scout hit and run build. Just something to not take serious, so if I lose I lose. Cuz I do miss running Scout most of the time. Had a Scout Stalker for a bit, that was fun.

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That guy is an absolute r*tard.

I really hope a premade bumps into him & melts him within 30 seconds. I’d love to know his in-game name to bump into him.

People like him have quite literally never faced a good team in their life & it shows.


If he keeps playing long enough he will. May not be the best premade but there are a lot of two-to-three man teams that run pubs that are exceptionally good, on PC and console. I’ve bumped into several the last few times I’ve played and had a very hard time clutching the win, so no way in hell someone like him would make it out alive, let alone last very long.

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Scout Analytic is honestly better. I tested Scout Stalker against high level players on PS & PC. Stalker isn’t as well-suited to Scout because of the low energy & you won’t be getting much value from Stalker regardless because as a Scout you need to be moving around all the time. Particularly when your cloak is running out every 3 seconds. You get more value from Analytic if you scan people. Obviously its a lot harder if the Fireteam are constantly mudding up but Analytic is better suited to Scout regardless. Had a lot more success beating people with Scout Analytic.

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I don’t know what people expect Pred players to do. That is literally the only two options they can do, die or rush. I suppose he wants us to squat in a tree and observe them for like five minutes in thermal like in the movies, slowly taking them out one at a time with the weakest weapon possible. I did that in my very first game back in 2020, and you know what happened to me? I died. Very quickly. You have to be aggressive, at least at the start, because you don’t know what kind of team you’re facing. Only let up when you know they’re potatoes or kids (optional, of course lol).


what irks me is when people come into my youtube comments saying “this is lame, you need to play more like the predator”

for their information, the actually title of this game is Fireteam: C*nting Grounds. standing still for half a second is a death sentence when your playing as pred


I can see that being much better, yeah. Since Stalker works only when you have full stamina, you’re almost never using it since you have to constantly be running, plus yeah the lack of energy. I honestly don’t have any bugged classes anymore, its sad. Berserker Ghost with the bugged axe was fun too.

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Anyone who says that is very likely a squeaker or a roleplayer. Or slow in the mind altogether. I mean, yeah, I could stalk and hunt like in the movies, against a team of babies. But honestly what fun is that? There’s no challenge.


@YautjaSymbiote this you. listen to each other. Youve been going on and on for days nonstop. Is it your youtube channel? Things will pickup. Maybe we should look at that born-again christian certification.

what, i think this whole thing is entertaining. nobody’s making you read all of it.

also side note, im not christian.

Its not too late to be saved, friend.

i choose not to follow a religion

I just care about you and your soul, friend. Like I know we like to talk big and be mean and “toxic” here, but truthfully I think you need to give serious thought about yourself after you’re gone. Having a strong and personal relationship with Christ will impact you in ways I don’t think you ever though possible. I notice you have a lot of anger and angst, and I think just giving Christ a chance to enter your heart will completely erase all of that negativity inside you. I just want you to find peace while you’re still here, and salvation in God’s kingdom when your time on His earth is over, my friend. That’s all.


(btw, I’m not one of them either)

I really need to trademark my damn phrases