Where are you streaming and whats your channel bro

I store streams so you can check out the latest for the matches that took place today



All jokes aside I hope something good comes from this.

Tournaments & Leagues Tend To Cause Drama 🎭 I’m Curious To See What Happens After This…….

I commend the Charlie team for the amazing team play (and individual skill as well) they have shown

@Cptclutch117 @ScOp_StUrMi


Are you planning on making any highlight reels? Loving these tournament streams btw!

Possibly after it ends

I have nothing to offer other than stupidity so have this

Pls no ban pls

U should’ve been in it

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I’m working to much man having a hard time as it is making content I just want to have fun & make videos 👍


More p-willie content? 👀

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Absolutely More Coming Tomorrow Just Been Working 6 Days A Week Stay Tuned!!!

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Thanks for sharing the video - I guess you just learned why cross play sucks…:)

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Scout doesn’t suck 90% of the time, I run Scout mostly, but against a crossplay FT that you know is damn good, it would have been better to use a different class and build. Your biggest problem is that you engaged with melee, and a horrible melee weapon at that (katana). Running that with hit and run in pubs against tater tots will work most of the time, but these guys are a coordinated team, and most can 1v1 you easily, like Sam. Also using the caster pistol is a detriment with the firerate speed, the bow is much faster, and the damage is a little less but the speed you can inflict it is what matters.

For future reference, practice a Hunter - Fervent or Elder - Stalker build, with either combistick or disc and bow as your weapons, large pouch/medic/down range on the Hunter and dithered lens/adrenal boost/down range on the Elder, and learn to play from afar. Hunter is a more rounded class with higher HP than the Scout, and is the preferred build amongst a lot of pros. Elder with Stalker increases all damage as long as you have full stamina, so plasma caster shots, bow, combi throws, and especially disc hits will do massive damage, and is still the meta against premades.

You can keep running the Scout if you prefer, the speed and small hitbox on the female makes it versatile. But change the playstyle for long range combat and change the perks around, I’d say adrenal/down range/medic, that’s what I run. And use the Analytic spec, so all scanned opponents take more damage.


Good to know and I use wolf most of the time. I just used scout because of the speed. Also I tried bow and the only time it hit was when I was lucky or the person wasn’t moving.

here’s the link to the discord channel. We got a few matches today


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I do like the Exile, it is as fast as the Scout - but has more health points; if you also like energy, this one has some advantages…

Against premade teams who play coordinated I guess you either must be damn fast -playing the “jumping ape” and hit and run- or shoot them with the shoulder caster always out of coverage - just shoot once and then change your position - some sort of hit and run too, behind cover…

I personally do not like both kinds of play - maybe I played too much randoms… Currently I prefer running in the trees and using the handheld plasma and coming down from time to time to beat someone with the hook - which is a really nice melee weapon - though I am better in the trees…

My combi is height advantage, long jump and modified reserve. For randoms very entertaining - but might not be the best combination for a competition… Nevertheless - the hook should definitely be considered:)

Its second attack cannot be blocked - which can’t be said about the combistick…


I have a hard time catching live streams. Just random matches. What are the scores so far?

yes… im delta squad, lol

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