I’m so tired of winning , I will loose the next 37 just to be the humblest
This Belongs Here
They cannot stop the champ.
Dead alliance was moving hazard , then PHG .
Nexiuz was a port of a mod , which had controversy around it . Everything they go near has a controversy.
I am currently gaming with the humblest ….mello
So Mello’s trying to take my title now huh? Well I already told him before if he wants the title then he’s gonna get everything else associated with it and I’ll become the ammo eating pirate.
Lmao no bro we just having a good fun jam session …. He said that comment I posted was kicking the bee’s nest
And mello said no aaaarrrrrrrr , he’s always the ammo pirate !
Then he better know his goddamn place and quit tryin to steal mine.
If it makes you feel any better , mello beat me up all day , I had no answers . I need to practice better .
Seems like Forcing a narrative cough cough
Stop it. Get some help.
Seriously, I’ve only been part of the community for about half a year (back when the plasma caster was actually useful and those motherfucking night maps didn’t exist) and that was prolly at the game’s peak. After joining this forum, I quickly learned how to do some fucked-up shit with builds, looked at some changelogs, stats etc. and the devs just started fucking it up. It wouldn’t be half as bad if they just publicly announced they were scrapping it to work on more promising projects, but this shit is just sad.
talking shit about night maps will get you …poo pooed.
Being MassImpact124 will get you a psychiatric help coupon tho.
i need that coupon. i never got it! that lucky bastard.