Today's the day!! Let's go, Hunt Brothers and Hunt Sisters!

No, sorry

Aah, gotcha. Wasn’t sure if that was just a yeah, yeah, or the asshole version. 😅

haha, sometimes i can’t express myself very well in english

Oh, all good. What is your primary?🤔

Is berserker, good suit, in two month cleo??


Translation: Mr Black ‘suit’ on this update; Cleo in 2 months

Good translation

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That’d be fine with me: Hopefully Tracker and Falconer’s helms would also come with it, this way we get a whole new model, new vocal lines, three cools helms (Saber’s is obviously apart of the free uodate)

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Yup, I’d like to see those helmets too


Hey, nooo!! Don’t bring any negative stigma or shit talk into my posts, pls. Behave yourself, pls.

We have one, Falconer’s already in the game so that makes two, and since it holds the same status as Dutch’s shoulder armor, it’s safe to say it’ll eventually come to be usable.

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Soon will be time to go hunt Fireteam with the Ara Ara Egyptian Space MILF

Hey there Xeno! Gm. And indeed!!

I think the update is today, Illfonic might release it during the Twitch Livestream. I’m hoping we get the Cleo Predator DLC, Gauntlet or the Single Player Mode, NRV-E Sniper, and some cosmetics, maybe some free updates.

Stay together fireteam)

Good morning! Looking forward to the DLC drop and update. Loved playing as Izzy so I only hope I end up enjoying Cleo too, part of me hopes she launches kind of overpowered. Break Fireteam in half over her leg. Shake things up a little, like when Ultra Instinct Goku came to FighterZ and everyone lost their shit. But more importantly, I hope her design is good.

Yeah. If I wanna keep her in my main player roster, she does have to look pretty damn cool, especially if I am gonna customize her (bronze shader! Use it for all my hunters, literally my favorite)

I’m curious what her dreads and helm will look like. Hopefully the dreads will be as great looking as Valk’s, comparable or outright better

Also yes, i do hope her realeae will be strong and immediately everyone will view her as a potent threat