Tomorrow the update?

Most likely be 21st if they are still going off Fridays but I am hoping for tommorow cause thats when the PlayStation store updates. Or they might pull a huge curve ball and release the free update and dlc tommorow but I doubt that.

lets hope will all the time they take it will be a massive update one that will completely change the game

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Might release a City map for the City Hunter where it can be fully utilised, then the gear goes free.

Ghost of Tushima has a DLC pack coming soon with more maps. Didn’t take very long.

I don’t know whether i want them to blow my mind with new interactivity in a citymap or to slowly improve on what has been established. Because for them to do a city map would be to integrate a really great abundance of stuff like in cyberpunk 2077 where everything and their toy monkey does stuff unimaginable. But the reality is we are getting a step up from the jungle maps and then some. Don’t get your hopes up. If they made a city map based on the level of quality of the jungle maps…i’d …rather not get it.

I’d rather not get a city where the most traversable terrain is a inclined block of cement…or lights that do not explode…or people who aren’t interactable…let alone say a damn thing…or parked cars with people waiting in them…or police men standing in front of doors doing nothing…to hell with that kind of city map. ppl have NO expectation for this kind of map…its just something to say “i’m going to buy the City Hunter because the word CITY is in the title”…oh god the stupidity in these forums.
I have NOT HEARD ONCE of anyone’s idea of how a CITY might integrated or interactable. NOT ONCE!

All i hear is ‘BOo hoo hoo’ me wants a city to shoooty bangy in it. give it a rest!

The menu screen teases a night map in the jungle. It will be a bigger map than the others and it will force us to play differently to win. Don’t be too disappointed when it comes out.

What if it’s a city map @ night… That would be dope.

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Gene: A Citymap would smell like hordes of angry dookie fans. or loads of dookie made by hordes of angry fans at a baseball game. Take your pick, i don’t know whats worse.

Not gonna lose sleep if it doesn’t.

I’m patient.

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Lower your expectation man

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Let me be a like those PS4 player and have hope ok?!!! XDDD

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A city map and how it would work note this all spurr of the moment and not thought about any deeper than the time it takes to get from my brain to the screen

The easiest way to think about this is take what we know of how the game works already: a fire team made up some kind of special forces infiltrates a hostile territory to perform off the books military operations.

Currently that hostile territory is a jungle, but that format could easily lend itself to a city setting. A city which has been ravaged by warfare and is all but abandoned, populated only by the belligerent who skirmish in and around it. That would easily make it so there weren’t “people who aren’t interactable” or “parked cars with people waiting in them” or “policemen standing in front of doors doing nothing.”

The current format of mission with several objectives to be completed before heading to exfil would also be easily workable in such a setting.

as far as map traversal is concerned, for the predator, I don’t have a solid idea. At least not one like we have in the jungle; a predator dedicated highway of tree branches that snake their way across the map which provide cover, the benefit of the high ground, and multiple avenues for map traversal. Maybe some kind of hodgepodge of building rooftops and powerlines. Maybe something else entirely. Maybe nothing at all; maybe predator is forced to, like FT, do all of their traveling on the ground.

I agree that I wouldn’t want a city map if it is just going to be riddled with bugs like the maps we currently have…but just cause no one has floated an idea of how it might work your direction doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible or isn’t going to happen.

On the flip-side, just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s a given.

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I really don’t know why people think buildings would be less useful for Predkour. Predators have the advantage in compounds on the current maps and on Derailed specifically. (Yes I know, roof top campers with snipers. Shoot them through the surface that is their floor, it’s not that hard to figure out.)

The approach at the bottom of trees currently just moves you on to the path up the tree. The tree itself provides cover, on a building you simply put the path around the corner. So it you jump on from the south east side near the corner you’ll transition around to the east side and up.
Telephone and power poles. Fire escapes and building marquee’s. There’s options for both cover and aesthetics.

The hardest part will be figuring out how to provide Predator with a way to escape from within buildings. I think breakable windows are well within the ability of the engine and programmers. Modify the leap indoors to be horizontal instead of a parabola, so the Predator can maneuver better.

Hunting and marking could be difficult if they stick to cover but by then we should have the Falcon, or possibly new vision modes.

So on Twitter there have been a few replies by illfonic about the when the update is coming and they say that they don’t have the green light to make an announcement yet. So does that mean the update won’t just drop in? That there will be an announcement about it and then some time later we’ll get it?

They are most likely waiting for certification. An update will come by the end of the month that fixes most of if not all the bugs. I can wait for a map/mode. Keep the weapons and Predators coming!

Right. I wish I had your patience 😆

The free update has to be this week, then by the end of the month the paid one. If they skip the free one… I am going to be very pissed…

It’s entirely possible. I hope so. I was thinking they’ll drop both at the end.

I’m assuming that the patch will come by the end of the month…they said that it would be very exciting…

And substantial…Hype. This week and/or next week should be interesting then…