Top Knot AVP Comic Build!

Top-Knot Lore:
Top-Knot was a Yautja Leader and Clan Leader. Initially subservient to Dachande, Top-Knot would become the leader of his own clan, after the latter was killed during a Xenomorph infestation on the planet of Ryushi. Top-Knot would also recruit Machiko Noguchi and enrol her into Predator culture. However, once she realized that he and his clan had attacked humans on the planet of Bunda, she betrayed him and sided with her own kind. An experienced warrior and veteran of several hunts, Top-Knot was only second to Dachande (Broken Tusk) in terms of his status and prowess aboard the Ne’dtesei, a feat that would cause moments of tension between the two.

Unlike Dachande, who was more forgiving and patient of insolence, Top-Knot was a firm leader who tolerated no acts of defiance or treachery, harshly punishing the young Two-Stripes to a grisly demise, as well as leaving Machiko for dead at the hands of a Queen after she had broken rank and disrespected him. In spite of this, he did treat Machiko with a modicum of fairness, providing her with her own ‘luxury’ quarters within the ship and serving as something of a mentor to the human. According to her, he could speak and understand English, though he deliberately chose not, communicating with her instead with a basic sign-language known as ‘Silent Hand’. Regardless, after she betrayed him, Top-Knot disowned Machiko and considered her a sworn enemy to his clan.


To make it fair for everyone else, content creators that don’t create topics for every video they release, please post your videos and their respective description in Post your videos here

It doesn’t seem very fair that you can create topics for every video you make for more views when everyone else is posting them on the appropriate topic, now does it?

If everyone was to post each video they release on an individual topic, the GD forum would be spammed relentlessly with video-linked topics that would crowd over other threads.

Better yet, advertise your discord when you post in the appropriate channel and get viewers who will continue to come back via your discord.

I am not a mod and you don’t have to do this, but it would be respectful to your fellow creators and it wouldn’t go unappreciated



Also agreed.


Tower of—ohhhh

As a content creator myself, I see no problem in this.

Nomad had ALWAYS posted stuff. Don’t see the problem now all of a sudden.

Better than seeing release Jungle Hunter threads.

My 2 cents.

Like I said, what if every content creator was to post in individual threads just for their video?

Why does Nomad get to be special?

It is better than seeing multiple JH threads however it’s the exact same thing. Why not make a thread showing your builds where he bumps it every time a new build is made instead of making a brand new thread and then posting the same video in the PHG vids thread. People complained about clutter in the forums and I don’t see how this doesn’t add to that.

Now I’m not saying this to shit on Nomad, far from it however it seems a bit hypocritical for people to complain about someone making multiple threads for one subject ie JH but this is given a pass. Also like xeno said, if every content creator would do the same thing it would get very cluttered very quickly.


Hey I’m sorry I don’t wanna cause any problems, if this bothers others so much I’ll gladly only post in the videos tab. I just didn’t want bother others with a long lore comment with the video, that’s why I make my own tab for the lore of the builds I do. However i don’t view myself as special I just saw a open market and took it. I’m sorry

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That’s actually not a bad idea, just know it’s gonna have a shit ton of videos on it but okay I’ll do it

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This one sounds like the best idea. Make one main thread, and just keep adding to it as you go. Also, add links to all your previous threads in the main one, that way it doesn’t clutter it up with older builds and the focus is all on the new stuff.


Oof I’ll have to do some digging lol

Its fairly easy, just go up to your pfp, click your name, click activity, then on the left margin click on topics, and it’ll show all the threads you’ve ever started. Right-click on the links to copy, then paste, highlight them and click the hypertext button to edit the link to have the name of the build with the preformatted text box, then repeat with the rest.

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Okay got I think, should I also post the videos ontop of those I link it to? Or should I just do the link?

Well you’re linking to the original threads, so whoever wants to see that build will click on the link and be taken there where the video is, so no. Just the link is fine.

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Okay got it, okay here’s another question I’ve been pondering that being should I still add the lore to the video with each new video here? I know some people probably don’t care and I just don’t want it to seem like a waist of time.

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Yeah, I would. If people want to read it they will, if not, whatever. Just keep doin’ what you’re doin’.


Just dont understand why it urked people now all of a sudden.

I understand the point being made, just the timing seems quite odd to point this out, after Nomad has been doing this the entire time the game has been out.

Guess you gotta send your posts there from now on @NomadClan !

The tribe has spoken ☠

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Yeah go for it, like V_Trigger said if they want to read it they will if they don’t then they’ll go on to the vid. My only hope is that people don’t bring personal drama into that thread. Should they then I can see you having to make mother thread or kass can clear it up.