Training for preds against death squads

Ya idk why.

Allow me to enlighten you

Best advice is adapt to the fr teams game play and counter it. Never go into a match with a set game plan.
Change up your engagements and stay unpredictable.
I love getting PC death squares cause they follow a pattern pretty much every time after they see you.

Quick Advice for death squads, for you and anyone who cares to know, is 1 of 2 strategies depending on how they play. If they are the type that chase you through the jungle and spot you never lose you and constantly chase, don’t panic. Don’t engage. Let them chase. Waste there time, hope away, charged plasma shot. Hop away. Charged plasma. That’s all, rinse repeat. They will run out of quick heals. Then later on in the match, you will start to get downs purely off of them not having enough quick heals. DONT go for the claims, don’t get over aggressive. Shoot at the downed members with plasma, and that’s all. They will eventually die or run out of time. Try and blitz or get over aggressive with these teams and die.


Watch Dan’s stream at

You will learn a lot when you see an excellent pred in action.

Option 2, is if the team is spread running OBJ, pick 1 person, preferable a scout OWLF or recon cause low HP, if not pick assault, and or the least HP member they have. And just harass the shit out of them. And when they go down force the claim give up your second wind if you have to. But if a team is speed running obj you NEED a kill to extend the game. They will want to revive there friend, and revive stations are the easiest places to get kills cause you can prep them with traps and literally just wait there and get a free 90 damage with a charged Plasma shot as they spawn. Also general Advice, when you don’t have second wind available, USE MED KITS NOT PIGS because they will catch you eating the pig and you will die. Always play it safe when you don’t have second wind. Plasma caster splash damage is your best friend against these teams



Tree branches blocking bullets was the best balance decision illfonic has made.
Hopping across the treeline while they waste ammo on branches & being able to return fire from behind branches is way less predictable than the slow arcing leap.


You can learning here -

That was an awesome match that you had with @Samhain13 and three other premade PC FT. Wish you could upload that and it was not just on stream. I have never seen such a close game, and you didn’t even use traps as I suggested in the channel. Thanks again for sharing.

Matches with Dan are always fun.

I saving this video on my channel his name Powerful AlphaSickle

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I’ll say it again.

I’ll take on the whole of this forum and lose gracefully.

You’re a contra code with a mouse dude…not happening. I can’t learn from you because I can’t do what you can . . . <—(Best smart disc in the game) . . .

Tons of preds with different flavors.

Every team is an adapt as you go situation with everything folks have said above involved :)

Happy Hunting!


Very well written. I would add:

  • Do your morning jog around map and find where is reinforcement radio. You can kill them while they run for reinforcement or wait for them at reinforcement.
  • Trigger camp alarms to provide FT more fun as you run around.
  • Destroy med kits and ammo crates.
  • Good FT expect traps near reinforcements, so do not place them too close to each other.
  • If they second wind you, run as far as you can and possibly not in straight line.
  • Sometimes it is better to run away just strafing and jumping, than leaping.
  • Don’t get too eager if you melee them. Place one or two hits and then move.
  • If you have good ping try to use disc from safe distance.
  • Use a lot of plasma (spam them), that is what they hate so probably what works against them.

Buddy… its the hybrids that should train everyone else - they are the best at both.

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Doesn’t do you much good :(

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I’m surprised. Everything you wrote is correct. But why do you lose to the top pc teams?

be pro with smart disc , there is no other way

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Can you please elaborate what is wrong on my points? Maybe you have better tips?