Turkey Day Friendship Private matches

Well I may be able to swing that if you guys are going to be running some matches earlier than that or maybe later that night as most of the day I’ll be battling a large fowl in a hot box and more than likely the wife will not be cool with me pulling spines instead of hanging with her family…😒 who don’t like me…the feeling is mutual 😂

Unfortunately James Cameron prefers chicken and every day is chicken day. Wtf is the deal with turkey anyway? Who decided it’d be a good idea to celebrate by eating an inferior bird?

Bring me his head.

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So will you be participating?

I hear this man started it

Can somebody please enlighten this clueless English gentleman as to when this thankful turkey day commences? I’m not returning to my beloved noisy ass PlayStation until Friday.

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Thursday is turkey day

Thank you, Cuttlefish. Looks like I’ll have to catch up with you guys on the weekend instead.


Already got it set up for the inevitable clusterfuck that is going to ensue.


I have no idea how to use discord, and I’ve never used it either
I feel like a potato 🥔

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I’ll get you set up tomorrow.

This sounds cool but it also sounds like a clusterfuck.
Huge gatherings online usually are.

As for discord I have to use my phone for it and that is way too much of a pain in the ass for me.

So I might show up.
Not sure tho.

I dont play often and I get bored in private rotations after the third match usually lol.

It sounds cool tho.

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@Durbs2001 @Idunno56 @MostlyPizza @Robo_2696 @DisturbedLlama @KayneLucard @Derangedxeno_02 @Forever_Mello @Fire @WeylandSpaghetti


@James-Cameron @Slasher_Clone
Could each of you reply with a yes or no as to if you will be participating in the turkey day tournament? Know that how many people we get will definitely influence whether we push the start to (Maybe 11 AM if that works, if not comment a time that would so majority can get on at the best time) Wednesday and pick back up 11 AM EST Thursday OR start 11 AM EST Thursday and play 'till dinner.

@DhRauta I assume that everything you stated works for you, but once we get an idea of how many people we could expect we should make the call as to what day to start.

I tried to read through the entire page, but my last brain cell is not cooperating. Thanks everyone.

Yes I’ll be participating

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How’s it gonna work like bring your own team or

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Yes @TheSenate, I should be free for a few hours. I can’t play all day but it will be nice to get some matches with people I haven’t had a chance to play with yet. (Wed. or Thur., maybe both 🤷‍♂️)

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Sorry my schedule might be a bit messy at the moment I might get an opening, but no guarantees
(I definitely wouldn’t be able to do 11am EST)

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I’m in 👍😎

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Its just gonna be with everyone here. Just gonna play a friendly private match tournament. If you want to bring more ppl you can its just for fun. If we hve more than 15 ppl it will be great. But its just about hanging out playing the game. Getting to know the forum users a and making new friends.

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This guy washes the car of the guy that washes my cars.

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