Twins II

It goes until the 20th if it’s too late for you

I’m going to download now

My Internet isn’t the fastest , I will see how long it takes

Should be ready in a few minutes for me

Sorry man, with as bad as the multiplayer pvp servers were in cold war I’m not interested at all lol.

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Fak you

I have Wildlands if you’re interested in that

Something until the new breakpoint DLC

Or if you want to blast xenos

I haven’t really been playing anything.
I only play with one of my buddies, aside from.thst havent really felt like playing anything.

I got that one mission left to do in wildlands tho.
The last event one?

Could do that I guess lol.

I mainly just been playing borderlands 3.
Lately been watching movies and shows lol.

No real desire to play anything.

I have barely made any progress in Wildlands

Just played the demo

Don’t think I can join?

Nah you’d be able to.
Those extra missions arent progress blocked.

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Should have got carl weathers to play the third brother.

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Hard no.

Let great things be great. Just look at the majority if not the entirety of remakes, reboots and sequels of the past 10 years…all shit.

So NO!

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You have a really good point but I’m reserving judgement until I see a trailer

If it’s R rated and raunchy it has potential

I just don’t see it happening. A lot of what made Twins and movies of that era great is what today is called “not politically correct, not inclusive, not diverse”

History doesn’t repeat but it does rhyme. And past 10 years of movies has largely been driven by political correctness.

I don’t see how this one would be any different.

If not there’s always It’s always sunny in Philadelphia

This purely movies or games included?

I take it you wont be watching the planes trains and automobiles remake? With will Smith and Kevin Hart.

Or big trouble in little china with the rock?

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I’d rather shoot myself in the face with an anti tank rifle.

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Can I pull the trigger? Its on my bucket list

It would an honor and privelege to have you shoot me in the face…

With a rifle!

Nothing else…

I’m glad you put that in there

Would you be open to being fired out of a cannon? 🤔