Ultimate Hunters

Back of the train wreck to the roof top to the west is just over one hundred metres. Get a buddy to stand there and let you throw at him. Think it was 106 metres when I done it.

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I got Pruning and Explosive Barrels in Private Matches @SnakeSound222. Barrels is self exolanatory. Just keep at it until the Trophy hits. Pruning is hella easy: Just have a Grenade Launcher on hand, as well as Frag Grenades. Simply Aim up and either Shoot or throw. Grenades will explode close enough to Trees, blowing their Branches off. The effect is kinda cool too.

To the people struggling with the traditionalist trophy, you can only do damage and kill with the wristblades, if you do damage to the FTs with any other weapons, you will not get it. My buddy got his with the combistick using the same method. You can also claim them. Hope this helps.

Where can you see your achievements on PC?

There aren’t achievements/trophies as far as I know on the PC.

Ahh. Well that explains why I can’t find any. I know I got a few of those done.