Update Tested

Nothing you say is important. To me or anyone else

GOD FUCKING DAMNIT first I funny and now the forums my life is in shambles

Well the thing is once you get good enough at reading people and pathologically lying & manipulating, it becomes virtually undetectable & people do end up trusting you & asking you for advice.

Anyways, if you all can’t stop this on your own, will I have to act as a middle man again to get you both to ignore each other? I mean I’m all for some forum drama but this just gets fucking annoying and repetitive. I’d quite frankly like to see something more interesting than the same 3 people hurling insults at each other’s moral character online. It’s gotten quite stale & I’ve seen 5 year olds effectively end arguments quicker and better.
It’s not that damn hard. Just use the mute function, or everyone learn a little maturity and not always be the one who has to have the last insult & claiming moral high ground.

Tldr: we want new drama not this shit again, all 3 of you are wrong so mute each other or sit down and kindly shut the fuck up until you can create more entertaining forum drama.

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Nah that’s you buddy.
You dumb fucks got an over active imagination or are just plain fucking stupid and can’t tell what reality is.

So you fucking deluded fucks until you actually try to ground yourselves in reality, your perception does not matter.

Cause everything you accuse me of, that’s what you dumb pieces of shit do.

This is the PHG forum. That’s kind of a fucking prerequisite to being able to join.


Nah Senate, theres no reason to try and stop it.
Let everyone enjoy the show, good memes come from it.

Let them keep talking so people can see how far gone these two fucking idiots and anyone who thinks like them are.

Until these dumb motherfuckers get with reality and admit THAT THE ONLY REASON THEY DONT LIKE ME IS BECAUSE THEY DONT LIKE HOW I SPEAK BECAUSE ITS DIFFERENT THEN HOW THEY DO let’s keep this shit going.

And others who aren’t involved can just laugh at what we say.

Because seriously.

You dont have to like me.

But these two are either two dont realize,
That the only reason they dont like me, is simply because I speak differently than most people.

So they have a hard time understanding what I’m saying, and it leads to warped perception of me on their end.

But they’re not mature enough or smart enough to realize that’s all it boils down to.

Till then remember I am the super villain and I’m coming after all of you.

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Good, Fak yu, you degenerate whore!

Also what I’m hearing is:



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No, we don’t like you cause you are just an idiot with a mouth, and a hypocrite. You are the definition of a try-hard IRL. Someone who is more concerned about what people think of him than what he really is.

Normal people don’t give a shit. I said moralez had the same brain size as you, I was wrong. By not engaging he has demonstrated his brain may be 1mm bigger than yours.

Still, a chicken with a pen could write something more coherent than the news articles you write.

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“Everybody who hates me is dumb, I am simply too well spoken thus their inferior minds resort to hate.”

Ya know, not the best argument in your defence out there. Some of us can at least admit people have valid reasons to not like us, we’re not the centre of the universe and if some people hate us then that’s fine. It don’t matter if some people hate us, none of this shit is real: it’s all words on screen.

But hey, now you look like even more of a self-centered jackass. And yes, this image does signify I am looking down on you for this viewpont.

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I’m filing for identity theft because that’s my damn job.

You’re the Senate, it’s literally your job. Ya know that & wasting Tax Payer money, which is why no one in their right mind pays Taxes.

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You mean that shit I get to legally steal from everyone? Yeah, it’s nice.

(I seriously fucking hate taxes, the IRS, & the ATF just for starters)

You just proved my point xeno.
All I said was I speak differently, never said it was better.

I never even implied it.

So if you got that from what I said, it just shows that you do have a warped perception.
Because nothing I said implies I said I speak better and that wasn’t my intention.

But oh ya in supposed to be the psychotic villain now right?



They exist only to steal what is rightfully yours. Nobody else is entitled to your money but you. As I grow older & older I take to heart the words “Taxation is Theft” more & more.

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The IRS can


The only reason I bother trying to tell you that the shit you believe about me Is simply to clear up misunderstandings and keep shit civil.

I know I speak differently, but since I’m never trying to start shit, I’m prepared to try and clear up any misunderstandings.

Plus remember I like to joke around a lot too, so that’s another issue.
Most people dont have a sense of humor so they take things the wrong way.

I like to keep things chill with as many people as possible.
That’s why I’m willing to take a step back and actually try to clear things up if I got misunderstood or if I misunderstood someone else.

But you wont listen to that right?
Just want something to fit your perception?
Very well.

NAH bitch your dumb ass just cant read plain fuckibg English.
It’s not my fault your bitch ass has no reading comprehension.

How about you stick to Spanish then?
Since maybe that’s the only shit you actually understand pendejo.

Mamate un bicho cabron.

I am a Spanish speaker. (Tex/Mex) obviously.

This doesn’t make sense. What region are you from?

bicho in PR means c0ck