Using Alpha and Samurai with weapon bug ghetto fix

I’m sure many have figured this out, possibly not all, but until they fix the Alpha’s weapon bug (2 plasma casters and no secondary weapon) you can still use the class and use both weapons.

you just have to have your primary equipped, then jump into a tree. it will automatically switch you to secondary if you have a melee weapon set in primary (since they cant be used in the trees)

so I have set the katana/combi as primary, and bow/disc in secondary, and gotta jump into a tree to pull out the ranged weapon.

it’s still broken, lol, but it’s a work around for now.

Wait, what? Two plasma casters? Sounds like an upgrade to me lol

there’s a bug so it replaces your secondary weapon with a second slot of plasma caster, so you cannot manually select your secondary weapon right now if you use this skin, but it looks mad cool. lol.

So there isn’t a plasma caster on each shoulder? 😭

nope just bugged weapon slots

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