War club rework

Well, I guess I was thinking of it more from the perspective of when I play predator, but even with parries, it doesn’t seem to help most teams.

When I play with a squad we rarely have an issue with defeating predators.

Mainly, I suppose that parry is most useful when trying to stay alive waiting for reinforcements or just before exfil. If they did remove parry, there needs to be some counter for 1v1 situations, like a dodge roll or equivalent.

No there doesn’t haha bro. 2 second wind in melee range. That’s your counter right there.

I suppose if you’re on PC and can almost instantly 180 and have perfect aim. Won’t work for console players.

I’m on console hahah the game is 4v1 there doesn’t need to be some ultra powerful 1v1 mechanic. That’s why the game is too easy at the moment when playing ft

Perfect. We should set up a match without parries sometime soon.

PSN is the same as my username.

Neither parries, nor a dodge roll, are “ultra powerful.”

Imagine being an FT member and the Pred tosses a melee weapon like the axe at you and decaps your head?! And the camera tracks it as it flies through the air and rolls on the ground! That would be sick in a bad way.

It would be sick in a good way

We need more gore for PHG

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its wishful thinking man. Already, there is a realization that kids under 18 are playing this freaking game and they are decent in skill level (they are on the mics). I at least play on the same FT with 3 children every day, their voices ring out and its a ‘wtf’ moment for sure.

Parry is definitely ultra powerful. We can play tonight

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I want a variant that makes it a human spine/skull with a blade fixed to the forehead

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I really would prefer the Axe and Hammer do more light attack damage or swing faster

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We can play today after work lol

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In my opinion they should attack faster and have better tracking.
I feel that if they got tracking down so that when you hit a ft member it actually does damage, it would be a good weapon.

We’re on

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Just finished work. I’ll try to get on soon.

2 people got off we’ll just do it tomorrow lol. Unless you wanna just fight 2 of us 😂

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Well. We’ll try tomorrow then, I’ll be on later tonight for sure. If you’re still on, we could try two v one for shits and giggles.

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