What is going on here now?!?

Because I killed Mufasa

Lol hell no.
Closest thing I posted to porn was this


You monster

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I enjoyed it too

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God damn this forum is crazy

This forum reminds me of the time I almost completely severed several muscles and tendons in my lower back, leaving me unable to walk for 1-2 weeks, and they got me some pretty serious pain meds and muscle relaxants that fucked me up pretty badly.

Why? Because when I was on those meds I didn’t know what was going on, who or where I was, why everything is happening, and had no concept of time. Same experience opening the forum and reading threads.

While I do admit to Sheevposting/Sithposting on here (as the name suggests), I try to keep it related/relevant to the conversation going one, or as a way to accentuate my opinion.

And to answer your question as to what is happening and what point there is:

Confusion Palpatine
The forums are chaos incarnate, and I have no hope of understanding certain members. cough cough Fantasma + Raphael Adolini cough cough



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Isn’t our Fantasma pal posting those porn threads?

images (29)

Looks like serpent predator may have found his new long-lasting mate, mate


Forum feels like France during July 14, 1789…
We need Napoleon… To… End this…and restore order


But France is like Hello Kitty when it’s in a war against other countries, but when it’s France Vs France, cue the Doom music.


Yo contacte y me queje a los moderadores, es para que se pudieran vanear o algo

Lol you called the manager xD

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The mods don’t care. If it took someone posting “this is how you fuck a bitch” and literally posting porn to show you that, then they have kept you fooled for quite some time. I realized they don’t look at this thing nor give a shit when we got Clash and Viking. I promise they 100% don’t give a fuck what anyone says or does on here

This is the most poorly moderated game forum I’ve ever participated in. Like, actual racists/homophobes sexual harassments/threats of violence… MURICA!!!

Maybe they’re too busy fucking said bitches


Hahahaha oh shit you right dude

Well fuck it if this forums going into anarchy I’m gonna help
Starting with a nutrition filled breakfast