What level are you at?

Y is the heavy ded

158 I think. Haven’t been playing much, trying to ween off of the game.

I dunno

Tbh I barely play anymore due to school and work so when I do get to play it’s mainly just pred matches where I fuck with the FT as much as I can.


Very well

I think it was- shhhhh you are ded

I usually get 4,000 - 6,000 as fireteam. Occasionally, I can get more as predator per match, like 10,000 - 14,000 or more.

However, as fireteam, your queue time is much shorter, and that’s the simple reason why you’ll get more XP per hour.

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violently shakes

is to say you are to be havings of Largest Number is all


It’s just a number :)

Pretty much 😂

Whattsup ya wankers!? Who’s up for ah- what bloody hell just happened?


You forgot to mention there’s literally a 30% bonus XP for playing FT


I think of the 30% “boost” as more of a baseline XP for the FT. If anything, they might as well say that playing as the Predator nets you 30% less XP. Ha!


it’s been there for so long, that yeah, kinda “lost” its effect, but it used to take longer to level up with FT. I remember it took me months to reach 150 and then when I got the game on steam and started from scratch, I reached 150 in like a week.

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How long have you guys been playing? @HonorWarrior

The heavy is dead

I’ve been playing FT a lot lately trying to level up all my rifles. It’s definitely helped with leveling myself up overall.

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