What level are you at?
This guy is so weak he couldn’t win a match vs me + 2 randos + 1 bot.
The 2 randos did nothing but scavenge for VT.
He even brought the Axe.
Play me in 3rd strike lmao.
Gotta add that sparkle to show “authority and conviction” really makes a valid point.
LvL 691 and still trash, remind you, you died first outta all and i had to revive your sorry ass, joke of a player
My very first time playing this game was on this account and I platinumed it in 1 MONTH. You took 3 MONTHS to do the same thing.
I shouldn’t even have to say more as that’s a mic drop comment right there but I’ll even say more. You losers always post pics of every game results that I have that you think will make me look bad while NEVER showing anybody your rage quits and asss kicks from me. As far as your stupidd pic, I remember myself getting killed while not moving while doing something else. Then teammates die, then you reinforce. We took him down but nobody was man enough to disarm but me. I had to disarm by myself as usual and as usual, I pull it off with ease even though it’s harder to do by yourself. So it woudn’t even be a win if it wasn’t for me. Your score would be about 5,000 instead of 7,480 but this is the thanks that I get from the typical forum parasite like you.
I think people from the forums would show their rage quits and losses to you but they don’t exist, this however does
Remember, no matter how much you brag or boast, you got out-scored by a guy you said is a shittier player than you and I say this with “authority” and “conviction” and is also a valid point lol.