What would you nerf in FT?

ok then im agree whit you, shooting a pred mid air and stop his slam should be a thing. Same way, be able to parry should NOT.

in my opinion

I think the Pray should be an option for both if the predator Melee’s Second he stuns the Fire team if the fire team does it second then the fire team stuns him OR add a Pary button different form melee

Lmao Combi Stick throw spam? Oh you have to be kidding me. If he just wants to keep throwing his Combi Stick, then you can just surround it or just hide in a building away from the doors. Force the Predator to do something different.

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jokes on you - you suggest stay in the same spot to counter combistick throw spam? you got objective to do you cant just surround combistick or hide in buildings(and get roofslamed) forever

no you can you still win if you you out last the timer and when were talking max ranks thats all they want is to live so yea thats a thing. and i have seen it been done although counter point to that, slam. builds ante shit but hoes and tricks ;)

Then hide in a bigger building. His slam can’t hit everyone at once in the bigger buildings. Just make sure to have LOS on all FT members so you can shoot the Predator if he tries to throw the Combi Stick. Running into a bigger building makes it harder to successfully throw the Combi Stick because you’re all in a smaller area, meaning it’s easier to spot the Predator before he throws the stick.

I’m not saying surround the Combi Stick forever. Surround it while the Predator is there so you can damage him when he inevitably comes to retrieve it. Force him to retreat and come back for it later.

Everything is spamming. Throw spam, caster spam, disc spam, sprint spam, leap spam etc.

How do you lose trades with 1 pred throwing a stick at 4 people with no one firing at him and then running to grab it right in front of your face with no one firing at him and then throwing the stick again right infront of your face with no one firing at him? 8 “throw spams” on you all not even counting syringes.

Are you all using the pistol?

His cloak is fully visible while he’s strafing around trying to aim it even. Wait until you see the bow which requires comparably less effort to reposition.

Wtf why didnt this show up in my responses earlier? Sorry man, not me. I want a thicc female pred xD.

dont lie, your bi ;)

Lol maybe flamboyant sometimes xD.
Though im starting to feel you just want me. :3


Maybe~ <3

I think I would nerf the number of revives. I think they should get one down and revive. If they’re down again, death. 3 is really excessive. It’s damn near impossible to fully kill someone if the FT is paying attention


HAH I’m awesome xD. Lol.
Dont worry if we get everything fixed, and get a 2v8 mode we’ll team up. And ft will come to fear our love xD.

Lol hell yea

FUCKING THIS. I legit die laughing every time they say “Audio decoy out!” Like, what the actual fuck is this person thinking.

really tho

To let the team know what’s happening. If you’re throwing it out under the Predator’s nose, saying it won’t matter.

So, technically yes you are correct. I want to preface this with I am not an expert - but at basic training we had it DRILLED into our skulls that Demons in Hell better fucking hear if you are throwing a grenade.

Now, I generally think audio decoy’s by a Special Forces unit break this rule. I also think that an audio decoy’s purpose is much different than others - you typically want to distract or cause confusion. The intent of throwing the grenade is literally negated by their statement.

I agree with you there, throwing certain utility should still actually prompt a ft response

If you don’t state to your team that the gunfire is fake, the team would react to it normally. I usually throw one when we leave an area, so the predator is a step behind us.