That’s likely. But i wonder how concerned they were about the first unit. They were pros too and went down without a signal. I wonder if they thought that guerrillas were really good or if something else was going on.
Who is your favorite character from any Predator Franchise? (Human or Predators from Movies, Games, Comics, or Books)
I think they suspected that something was going on since Dutch says something around then basically being low tech mountains boys.
Do you think if Dutch’s team never went in, the PRED would wipe out the guerillas?
Maybe, according to the honor code I know of the guerrillas meet all of the requirements for worthy prey. Not including guerrillas from PHG the only thing their worthy of is dying from a heart attack from drugs.
he started all of this
I would think so too, escecially since Anna says that it happened before. Bad timing
How so?
She has that speech at trap about her grandma telling stories of their men found without skin and much worse during very hot summer.
Bad timing cause if they waited a week or so JH wound take care of their problems.
Oh😐😂, your right jh could have taken all the guerrillas and then some.
He played that role well
I guess from intelligence perspective, Dutch’s team was expendable. They came in contact with alien lifeform and Dutch surviving brought in a wealth of information.
Though i do t quite remember if Keyes (PRED 2) mentions other occurance when taking to Harrigan.
I think keys mentions an incounter with predator in Val verde.
That for sure, but i though he mentioned at least on if not two others.
I don’t think so 🤔, I think jh is the first predator encounter on record. I’ll rewatch predator 2 to find out.
That’s right, Lieutenant.
Other-world life forms.
A fucking alien!
Iwo Jima, Cambodia, Beirut.
Drawn by heat and conflict.
He’s on safari. Lions. The tigers. The bears.
Oh, my!
Trophies. That’s the game, isn’t it, Keyes?
You’re the lion.
Hope you can make sense of it. From Val Verde they learned about the self-destruct. Pred was successful in other places, supposedly.
Hmmm, so their could have bin other encounters but they were…successful.
That’s what it sounds like. That why they didn’t want to challenge him directly, for fear of self destruct. They needed to subdue him.
Yeah, wouldn’t really be good if city hunter blew up a city.
He almost did tho. That worked well. Harrigan would have been the reason for it too, but he saved the day. He’s overqualified for his job. The dude knows how to prevent nuke detonations.