Why? Think about why.

So everything just is. No reason to why. But then I ask the second question that goes hand in hand with why.


Lex is a pure genius…sometimes

Why I make brain hurty thread :(

cuz is ment to be like this, that s why.

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But why is it meant to be like this?

I can’t stop with the why’s it’s an endless cycle 😫

u just answered yourself with the inifinte cycle

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And I can’t help it :(

Why did I do that?

cuz every “why?” get yourself to a tech tree of questions and answers.

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And I can’t take it no more I think I’ve broken myself. :(

is better to ask yourslef “why not?”

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But that will just create even more whys!

I think I need sleepy time now

Why sleep?

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Nooooooo stop the cycle I can’t take no more whys 😭

Why stop the cycle?

Lol it wont end until you realize there is no rhyme or reason.

All answers are mere fabrications.

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And why is there no reason? Does not that have to be a reason to have no reason?

gimme the definition of “nothing” and il give u a reason to have no reason

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What is nothing? Better yet how can nothing exist? That’s almost as tricky as why. Screw you 😂

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Your mind can’t comprehend it. Why?
You know why.

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But for real, you alright?

I feel like you’re having a mid life existential crisis xD

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Haha I just like the big complicated questions that keep me up at night.

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