6 gig is massive for just a skin and bug fixes. Somethings been added…


i dissagree what if you get into a lobby with someone that has it? do they just not show up because you dont have the files?

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Yeah the new gun and knife Dutch comes with early

They will probably do something to the matchmaking process so it doesn’t do that, but I’m speculating my ass off here so could be wrong.

Wouldn’t take up 6-14gigs though lol.

will check

Can anybody find the DLC on PS Store? Its not there here in Finland yet.

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yea, nothing posted on their Twitter bout the newest patch notes :( :/

Dutch its in game (PC) at class selection. Can’t buy it, epic error :(

Still not showing in UK PS Store either.

They skipped it, because of the toxic fanbase? Reading through the forums, I’d give most of the people also the finger. Constructive criticism is helpful, but insulting the developers doesn’t help anyone. Then everyone wonders why they aren’t giving us updates on the regular basis.

Looks like they’ve been working on the game, to improve it (I hope) and make it a better experience. I’d prioritize it over dealing with people here on the boards.


Dutch is a Class??.. This does not give me warm fuzzy feelings. No no no, suddenly I feel a great disturbance in the Force… Are they seriously allowing 4 Dutch players? Or do we have to hope we get to be first of the four in the matchmaking?? Sweet Jesus illfonic, where’s the information!!

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Nothing thus far on the Twit(ter)

I remember playing one game where you had to redownload every time they lived it can’t remember which one though.

Dutch is a class. Tapes are nothing, and daily challenges. Move on. Shit patch.

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Silence is violence at this point.

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Yes, its like any other class with some customization limitations (face/skin). Aside for that its a class like any other. It has hip fire accuracy and mud duration. 3 and a bit health, 3 stamina, 3 mov speed and 2 and a bit gear.

same here in south america

I bet 1.07 removed target isolation and then someone said something bad about their mother and maybe some animal excrement and spoons and they were like.

Put the brakes on that and re-add it. 1.08 it is!

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Dutch is a new class. You can see the character model. The PS Store link to buy him doesn’t work yet.