1# looks like a Pred Drop ship
Alien tiddies!!
Plausible deniability, maybe this whole franchise is based off of something that has really occurred just to cover it up and make people think, na this could never happen…
Are these the craft that were supposed to be recently declassified?
Picture #1 is the supposed ‘black knight’ satellite. Its been theorized for years to be a satellite of extraterresstrial origin. The picture was released in 1988 by Nasa, at the time, stating it was Space debris.
I’m surprised I haven’t seen/heard anything regarding the upcoming (may have happened already) declassification from the Pentagon
looks like a Predator drop ship to me. It wouldn’t surprise me if this movie franchise was made to cover something up so people wouldn’t be afraid. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people just vanish off the face of the planet every year. It would explain a lot.
Predators are real! I knew it!!! 😎
I wish
Predator tiddies!!
Lmaooooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣
For those that don’t know this is called the black knight satilite. There are a few conspiracies behind it. Mainly all being extra terrestrial. Supposedly it’s been up there for thousands of years.
Look it up. Good shit…
You really believe our government is going to declassify aliens? They’ve been saying that for 60 years lol
Plausible Deniability
No but doesn’t it being declassified mean civilians can look at it? IDK about this kind of stuff I just remember seeing something on the news few months back.
Yes and no. Some classified files are blacked out so they only show so much lol