10 Fireteam against 2 Predators TONIGHT!

9/20/2024 After 5 PM CST

Already have some people joining but we need literally a dozen people.

Your participation in testing and development is greatly appreciated.

PC and Console players are welcome. Send me a friend request on Epic: CaptainJelou

Development will likely be streamed over Twitch.

Join the official discord (illfonic already did)

Here’s the link to the event on discord
PHG 2v10 Tonight



they should be the ones making the mode in the first place (im not saying this method isnt cool, bc it is but seriously)

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Totally agree. But that’s not going to stop me from doing it if I have the tools and knowledge to do so. Who knows, maybe they will implement it after I do it, since the modifications are entirely possible with the game assets as they exist right now .

Ideally I want 3 predators against 12 Fireteam, in a bigger map, but I can’t make that happen with what I have available in the game right now.


So its a hacktool that lets you play in a private match where predators can’t harm another predator?
Neverminnd. i saw the 2x8…but isn’t that clash? so you managed to hack into a private and set a clash player count?

I managed to mod clash to behave more like hunt. I was able to force more players on clash. I can’t force more than 1 pred on Hunt.

But yes, it is a private match and I have to be the host in order to make the necessary changes, like adding second wind, ft downed, pred bomb, claiming, pushing more players, etc.

There will be damage between everybody, but the damage between predators and between fireteams is minimal.

I was also able to put Hunt HUD instead of Clash, but it will only push it to me, sadly. Is not a finished product by any means. But I can’t take notice of everything unless I have people testing with me (a concept illfonic doesn’t seem to get, lmao)

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cools man, i wont be able to play. But ill see if I can view.

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My peak has been interested

Welp nothing is going to happen…there are only 5 people.

Well looks like there might be bots to fill the FT?

OK At least two people are assigned as pred.
Confirmed, there are two assigned people as pred.

This looks really interesting!!! but I have to go deliver the reward to my ancestor’s grave, so I can’t participate in this test…

Thank you to everyone involved in this test!

Actuallu very curious to know if it works

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Oh wow, that is a lot of damage


That’s so cool, it SHOULD be in the base game.
C’mon Illfonic, learn something.

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Thank you Jelou, and other testers.

This is an swesome mod.

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Another reason for Pred mains to cry like babies?

You’re more than welcome. Looking forward to do some more testing tomorrow.

Sadly one of the most desirable things I wanted did not work, which was getting more than 8 people in the match, but I won’t give up. When there’s a will there’s a way. I’ll keep pushing and checking what changes are needed in order to force more players in a match. Hopefully I’ll get it sorted soon. Haven’t worked much on this mod. Literally started Wednesday and by Friday I already had something that worked and was a fresh take on the game.

IMO, it felt somewhat of a hybrid between clash and hunt, bringing the best aspects of both. Obviously is a mod, the scoring/winning/losing system is basically non-existent, other than “yay, everybody dead, let’s quit and restart” but I’m not worried about that at the moment. My focus is on bringing more people as I feel that is what’s going to make everything more fun. 2 preds against 6 FT felt a bit too oppressive, although most of the times it was sam and beer playing pred that made it feel that way. Shaymin and Chopra were dying almost immediately, lmao. FT only won one time and that’s when beer and sam decided not to play pred. Maybe if we manage to play with thunder and gesp in the FT it will feel different.

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Beer is the worst pred ever. I once saw him lose a duel to an ai. True story

One thing did work with the extra players setting you tried, it showed that more people could join even though they couldn’t and that let my macro that sends hundreds of invites a second to a person work, so I was able to spam invites to @BeerWarrior66

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