1987 arnold schwarzenegger needs 1987 jungle hunter predator not other predators

Illfonic. 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger dlc is ok. But Wat about 1987 original movie jungle hunter predator skin. Illfonic .predator was born on 1987 movie .u and u r team was inspired from original 1987 predator movie and u people given life to predator hunting grounds game. The main content in game was jungle hunter predator skin.u r missing huge main think in the game. it was jungle hunter 1987 skin . This not fair illfonic. U have to provide everyone who owned the predator hunting grounds game. . Come on illfonic stop saying it’s exclusive pre ordered bonus pack. It’s all over .illfonic we are also people’s. Not only them. the game has completed 4 months. Please rerelease the jungle hunter 1987 predator skin paid DLC below 10 dollars. Illfonic Upcoming new generation people. those who owned the game they are not suppose to play with jungle hunter 1987 predator skin r kill the predator with fire team tell me illfonic . We’re waiting for 1987 jungle hunter predator skin dlc. Illfonic please make it for us. Finally playing predator hunting grounds with out 1987 jungle hunter predator skin their is no meaning in the game play illfonic


I’m sorry but you should have pre-ordered.


Nope. You are a fake fan if you did not pre-order this game. To late loser get over it



You’re the lucky poster of the 1000 thread about wanting the JH pre-order exclusive skin!



If you want the jh so bad. I will sell you my psn account for 5 million dollars


And this is why exclusive content that gets locked out for the majority of players is a bad idea, just look at these comments.

I’m getting flashbacks to the Savini incident that went on forever and Illfonic is all about that life apparently.

Some could argue you’re a fake fan if you pre ordered this broken, horrendous game. Pendulum swings both ways. 🤷‍♂️


Mhm sure but… No the game was in a better state at beta than now so it gave us Pred fans hope. So not really but sure but no 🤷🏿

It’s definitely worse now but no way was it good during beta. Sheesh no. That’s like comparing a plain turd to a turd with corn in it. At the end of the day they’re both just pieces of shit.

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Saying anyone is a fake fan because they didn’t pre order a video game is silly at best. I bought the game the day after it came out, whoops, sucks to be me, doesn’t mean I wasn’t excited about it, the game was gonna come out anyway, wether they got my money when they did or 2 days earlier with a bonus. So my 2 days difference is the difference between me loving th franchise and being an absolute faker who faked owning the movies on VHS during that time? Sure.

All im saying is, here we go again, let’s do things that drive wedges in the community. A community with a shared fandom btw.


This I can agree on. But with the knowledge that it was a beta and that maybe slight possibility it would only go up from there not down is what the appeal was. Do I regret pre ordering no. Do I regret pre ordering the deluxe oh yeah. Do I regret not buying the pyshical copy no do I regret wasting time yes. This game has had a slight time where it was fun and going in the right direction that stop the moment 2025 ducth came out. The game has gone nothing but downhill from their.

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But are you complaining that you dont have 87? No I dont think so. The players complaining about not having the JH and say they are true fans are tho. Its more of a difference to be honest

I also have Savini Jason aswell. He cost me 5 dollars that is all that was required by the kickstarter lol

Hi, I’m Slasher.
Nice to meet you, don’t think you were around for the last time.

I am not particularly a fan of locking content or even Preorder bonuses. I am a opposed to illfonic releasing it for sale as that would be wrong. It would be a loss of integrity in a lot of peoples eyes and we’d never hear the end of it. It would literally be used as an attack on their character.

That said, they do have options that do not include selling or releasing it. Down the road if there was a mode or challenge where he was playable, that would not be an issue. His model would exist in that space and not have lost its preorder exclusivity. Which would allow you to play him in all other modes.

Have a nice day.

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Believe me, ive been on this train since F13, boy do I know this pain all too well, and now a pain that will never amount to much due to ongoing legal troubles on the IP.

Not to mention, everyone sees DBD now as the pinnacle of this genre, but people forget that game was PLAGUED with issues well into its first year. It was a mess at launch and only now has truly become something of a gem. If the devs fix this in a timely manner it will be fine.

I dont have 87 JH, oh well, ill grind out the helmet like everyone else has to at the moment. Though, that doesn’t stop me from wondering why it was like this in the first place. Many questions are raised, why did they offer something with such a FOMO as the first movies predator skin? Thats a HUGE thing to rip out of a Predator game and dangle in front of people before a game comes out, did they not have enough faith in their product to sell that they resorted to that? Knowing full well that it was going to cause this sort of commotion because, well, they’ve been here before, and look how F13 turned out. The community was on life support for most of the time and people were actively disrupting the game because they didnt want to play against Savini for multiple reasons lol hell, I even have Savini and I understood what drove them to feel that way.

It’s all just silly to me, because its serving nothing but keeping us at each others throats over something that is so trivial in the long run. Wish more people would just take a step back and say “this really should not be such a contentious idea”, hell even I am of the idea that everyone should have a fair shot at all the content from a game that people purchased no matter when they purchased it, but maybe i come from a different time.

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Slash I’m warning you, this better not turn into another 500 post thread. So help me I’ll unleash the wrath of James Cameron on you.

what? dude, jh pred is exclusive…and is a fking skin not so much…take elder and is the same lmao…
i dont have jh cuz i didnt know that they will give the jh pred when they anounce the game and imo is just another skin…
to make it more Iconic whatsoever still same shit basicly…
jg=elder as the skin and mask 90%
farm the elder and u get what u want…lmao

I won’t do it, but I can make any promises DhR won’t. 😁