2.11 Pred buff

Before the patch, the predator won 60% of my matches for the fire team, after the patch now it is 80%. If before it was so that he jumped into the squad and killed 2 people and did not care about the damage, now he kills 3 people.
4 players shoot at him, I fire 2 magazines with a rifle and 2 with a shotgun at close range, and then I cut with a knife, and he doesn’t care about the damage. He takes the heads of two soldiers and runs away. Berserk and samurai are even worse. He jumps into the center of the squad even without shock stunning, the squad shoots at him point-blank, and he kills everyone one by one, only half covered in blood.

I can’t even get any of the OWLF records, because out of the 4 times that I found them in 4 days, all these matches were losing.

Don’t you think that 2 magazines from a rifle and 2 from a shotgun is too much? And that was before the patch.

Predators at the drop point.

This is a special song. Each time I have consistently several matches, when the predator is already waiting for the squad in front of the drop point. The detachment is smeared with mud, passes several meters from the point, and the predator is already there and instantly kills everyone. The match ends in 30-40 seconds.
The predator cannot cross the entire map in 10 seconds and arrive exactly at the deployment point.
I don’t know what kind of desynchronization on the servers was fixed in this patch, but the fact that the predator can appear on the map much earlier than the squad has not been fixed.


Well this is intentional, and with long jumo and adrenaline boast I can cover the entire map in 8 seconds.

First mistake is the shotgun. Worst for the pred, 2nd what gun are u using?

What is your loadout, are u using damage boost? Do you have a squad? What


QR-4 + DJL-33 and Gosl-r + 1011

I tried different, boosters too.

Only random.
The only effective way is to take Support with a first aid kit and ammo. Because almost no one takes first aid kits, this is very strange, since it is a guarantee of losing. But playing with only one class all the time is also boring.

Why? He should do good damage at close range, shouldn’t he?

Against even just OK predator players you’ll never win with randoms. Face a day one predator and they’ll turn you inside out and make it look like a fun little game. But with a team on comms who know what’s up, that’s when you can take the fight to him. As it should be. Happy to help in any way I can if you’re newer to the game. My psn is same as forums. I play with some cool folks who can help.

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I’ve never had Predator attack right after dropping in until this patch

Try Yautja bane

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I do that sometimes. If I’ve got scout with long jump and adrenal I can get to them before they finish mudding up 😁

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What about jungle hunter?

So there’s a lot of problems right there.
First off QR 4 is fun but not that good, you’re better off with hammerhead or Gosl, GOSL only for range really.
Shotguns have been junk, haven’t tested since latest buff but they’re best used for AI clearing. Go with any of the SMGs for secondary, 1011 isn’t bad but can’t match the DPS of an SMG.
Running support with ammo and med ain’t bad but you’re slow. Speed kills, especially Berzerker, Viking and Samurai, go assault with deadly and yautjas bane and you’ll melt preds with the hammerhead and any SMG at close range(why did i do this…ugh).
If you see him just focus on him, he won’t stick around long, stay on him, he’s the biggest threat


Same perks on him. Works great

Thanks! Yep, I followed the game since the release and waited for the balance to be established, including the predator weakened after the beta, and the other day I got to it. But I didn’t expect him to be such a beast in the game itself.

Hammerhead is not on my level yet, but thanks!)

He was much more of a beast at the start of the game. He’s been nerfed into the ground. Shoot me a friend request we can help you out.


I honestly read that and laughed out loud i’m sorry bur I cannot tell a lie.

Use the hammerhead its king.

No fuck you.
New plasma rifle is best.

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BuT tHe NeW rIfLe CaN kIlL yOuRsElf

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GOOD! lmao


It’s been a standard part of the game. The Predator player enters the jungle 10seconds before Fireteam infiltration. And in those 10secs you can cover quite the distance if you have Long Jump perk.

Stay frosty 😈


You waited for balance to be established?
You mean for balance to be removed and ft have the complete advantage?



Hey hey…in his defense who would’ve thought it would have been more balanced closer to release than today

Guys he’s new. Didn’t unlock the hammerhead yet. Don’t beat up on him that’s just the wrong kinda toxic.


FT had the complete advantage on release.)

I doubt that devs deliberately designed what the starter weapon is uselesss, we wouldn’t have a matchmaking that combines a starter loadout with a final one. And it wouldn’t have been enhanced in the last patch.

Then I have a question, what is the pleasure for a predators wait for matchmaking 20 min, play only 30 sec and wait another 20min again? x))) I count this with cases of leaving the lobby.
Playing as ft, even if the match is over in 30 sec, after 40 seс I’ll find a new one, but these dudes have to wait a long time.

This is the dumbest troll post I’ve seen

What is this even saying

Weren’t you the guy going and sayimg that vid of a team destroying that absolute noob was proof of balance issues?