2, 3, 4 or 5 person pred v pred mode

In a private match setting, there should be an option for at least 2 predators to fight it out from the get go. Drastically increase AI damage to FT levels to make it more difficult and add in more claimable AI, so whichever Predator has the most trophies at the end wins, or if a Pred kills another Pred, the survivor wins, but at least one trophy must be taken. And Preds should be able to take the other Preds head as a trophy too.
Think of it. 5 Preds at once duking it out, claiming actual tough AI, then each other, most trophies or last Predator standing wins? Who wants on this bandwagon?!? Plenty of room for everyone!
@Courier @OldKingHamlet pass this up the chain, y’all!


I like the idea of 1v1 Pred mode called

Bad Blood

The Bad Blood must take out as many AI targets as possible plus the Enforcer sent to apprehend/eliminate them

The Enforce must capture or kill the bad blood and erase any trace of the Yautja having been there

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Agreed. In the mode I laid out, all that would be possible.