2 Years of Predator Hunting Grounds DLC’s

2 Years of DLC’s. A total of 12 DLC’s that sadly don’t include the Preorder Bonuses from PlayStation or PC, the Jungle Hunter Preorder Bonus, the Alpha Predator Paid DLC (including the buy a figure for the code or the free release), the Elder Predator, the various amount of Predator DLC’s released over time, and the Clash Game Mode.


Ah… The good ol days of May 2020 PHG. I miss that balance…


Lol god I can still remember and have nightmares of the unstoppable Berserker.


Shit, back then parrying wasn’t inconsistent. The team I had actually had the system memorized. L2 and R2 follow up. Swing downwards and into the pred. Parry almost every time. It’s been getting worse as time goes by tho. Kinda sucks when you use to be a knife fighting chad and now you get bitch slapped my melee.

Yes, believe it or not, melee was balanced back then.


Ive been too busy enjoying the game to notice anything like that 😅. However ive seen many parry gods in my time

WOW thats quite the photoshop thing you got going! The only thing i dont have is Mr.Footballer.
Oh, and Crucified.

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Lol can you imagine them actually doing Tom Brady and other football players as FT members🤣

Yeah…hmm I wonder what the director’s think of that. Where or why does he belong there? HMM?

Unless that random dude is going to be in a new film or game product …OMG i hope I didn’t just predict the future.

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You never know 🤷🏻
Well Tom Brady is a pretty popular person before and even now, especially if he wins this years Super Bowl. So I guess it would be a good marketing move that would bring some NFL fans here to play as either their most hated or favorite players.

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Okay now I’m curious if you can make me laugh with insults that flow out of Arthur Morgan’s mouth. By all means let me have it 😑

“Who let the simpleton out of the asylum”

“Your face looks familiar, reminds me of the back of my horse”

“You sir are a fish”

“I got a feeling the back of your head is your best feature… booooy was I right”

“Run home and put your dress on”

(This is when he antagonizes hookers)

“No, your not my style I prefer mammals”

(This is normal antagonize)

“Fine animal you got there, I was talking to the horse”

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Lol haha man I gotta replay that game, it was so good

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Apart from clash COD clone mode and Dante - guy who’s got NOTHING to do with this franchise - not bad

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I willing to trade a city hunter or Dante code for dutch 87 code

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So wait are you mad that he’s a sports player in the game or are you mad he’s a original character we never met in the Predator series before?

Both - I hate sports and like every other predator fan I hate the idea of introducing characters from outsied the lore and ignoring those from it that we could have insted

Okay I guess I understand the not liking sports as I’m more of a watcher then a player myself. However idk if Dante deserves hate for trying to be his own thing, after all new faces to a franchise is always nice some may be forgettable but at least we are having more of rounded cast.

That’s kinda like saying (for those who watched the movies) that they hated every other character after the first movie when in those other expansions there where some solid characters. All I’m saying is we should value the new faces (both Predator & Humans of the franchise) for they could be the next best thing.

Oh, I don’t hate Dante - I hate the people responsible for creating and adding his character. If they wanted more diversity than why not strong characteres from lore like Dillon, Mack or Harrigan?


Ooo I so want a Harrigan DLC, he could have his old revolver and scope from the movie.

However I’m not against original characters either like Dante, then again that’s just me who makes OC’s and lore constantly

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