2020 GOTY

Cant even lie this will be my GOTY right now.

Games I own:
Star citizen
tekken 7
destiny 2 all DLC
avp 2010
avp 2 with ajl mod r3
predator CJ
AC origins
Red dead 2
terminator resistance
just about all the hot shit out right now

I am a die hard predator fan and this is spot on to the films you can tell the devs loved the movies :)

Great job illfonic eff the haters ;)

Year is not over yet

To be fair you should wait until all the games that will come out this year have been released

I think my GOTY will be cyber punk

Right now it’s ghost of tsushima


lol yea cyber punk might get 2nd until i see the multiplayer. I have Ghost of Tsushima. In fact I bought a PS4 for PHG, GOT, and Spiderman. I have only played GOT for 30 mins. PHG all the way bro. Also its just my opinion based on hours played of each game this year.

Probably PHG. Or the Mafia trilogy release for me.

Doom Eternal did nothing beyond the campaign.
Zombie Army 4 was too slow.
GOT was alright.
I expect Cyberpunk might disappoint some of you when it’s eventually released.

I said early on that PHG would be GOTY but with all the delays I’m not sure. I just hope they stick with it. It could end up great.

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It’s gotta be Ghost of Tsushima or Cyberpunk.

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I’m really excited for Cyberpunk, as I love the genre, so that’ll pry get my vote. PHG is in a close second though, despite all the bugs and annoying moments with the devs/community. I think Doom Eternal goes in third, because I love Doom and I was hyped for months for that game.

I think mine might cause some people to have a nuclear meltdown.

It’s The Last of Us Part II.

Are you serious?

You’re not serious.

Either Cyberpunk or PHG.
Maybe Charlie the Legend if it drops in December and is insanely fun.

I warned you lol

I’m serious.

Although it’s not my game of the generation (that’s the new God of War right now) and I haven’t played Ghost of Tsushima yet. Everything is subject to change.

I don’t fault you at all

That game is a masterpiece

I haven’t played God of War yet

But it’s high on my backlog

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The only things keeping TLOU2 from surpassing God of War are a couple of pacing issues and Ellie and Dina making some incredibly stupid decisions during the theater fight.

You’ll love God of War. I honestly can’t remember a single problem I had with it. If you’re getting a PS5 it’s a part of the PS Plus collection.

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Final Fantasy VII remake for me, if Cyberpunk is good than that will be a close second, I don’t have a full list yet.

Definitely not getting a PS5 this year lol

Ghost of Tsushima was boring. Of all games I got this year I have put the most hours into Predator. That must say something.

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