2v6 mode is here

I’m assuming the net doesn’t work as well. Does plasmacaster still do damage?

The net works! Lol

I might be tempted 🤔 , I have been getting into the game again but just as I do , the servers shit the bed . Is anyone on tonight for some games?

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I’m sure I’ll be on a bit later

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I should be on mate , get some practice. I want to try some different load outs. I started using the owlf after you mentioned it the other day and seems pretty decent

Yeah man you just definitely want to run thick skin on him. Also do you have any of the DLC FT members? Basically meaning Dutch lol

I have both Dutch skins

For a competitive build it’s hard not to recommend those lol

Put on 87 Dutch with Double time, Thick skin, and the fast hands perk. You literally have 180 health, scout speed and stamina, passive damage boost while hip firing, and make sure you stay mudded up for passive damage resistance. You can run AK for close range and revolver for when he’s in the trees. It’s actually fuckin stupid imo

I’m running that dutch just now . Fucking can’t get into any decent teams

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I can play a fee

Throw me an invite when your on mate , I’m on just now but won’t be up too late

Hopping on

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Nice work today bro lol