a couple of questions

I play on PS4 to start.

I see a lot of people say the predator goes down quick but every game I’ve played as FT he is a damn bullet sponge. even taking multiple mags from more then one FT person. I have not played as a predator yet as 2-10min for a game as FT beats the 30+min wait i get when trying to play as a predator

The other questions is what the hell does ADS stand for? I can’t find anything online other then the perk for faster ADS movement…the fuck is it?

ADS is “Aim down sights” or “aiming down sights”- when you aren’t hip firing basically

You probably feel like you and your team are landing a lot more of your shots than you actually are, it’s really easy to bounce around a team as pred and make them waste ammo- he can take a fair bit of damage but not a ton

looks like you need to do some reading friend


Geeze, thats a lot to read.

Close range- use shotguns always (XGR is by far the most powerfulwhen maxed)
Far range use SNiper guns always (ZEN is by far the most powerful when maxed)
When you want to tickle the pred use SMGs.
Best middle ground are assault rifles (GOSL is probably your best bet most of the time when maxed).
Remember that different types of scopes can be placed on snipers,automatics and SMgs but they still resort to their own damage based on their weapon range.

ADS - Aim Down sites, Always Always Always adjust the ADS in the settings menu to about 1.0 or more.And make sure your mouse feels right by adjusting the horizonal and verticles adjustment settings. I think there are adjustments for ADS horiontal and verticle as well.

I would argue that the vektor (second SMG unlocked) is better than any of the shotgun- can drop pred health extremely quick close range

your wrong please check the links for TTK’s of all the guns in the game in the links i provided

the last 2 smg’s kill predators far faster than any shotguns in the game rendering them useless and the AK has a TTK of 3.3seconds at close range which is faster than any gun in the game

the snipers don’t actually kill faster than GOSLR at range or the Hammerhead however they do have far less bullet drop making them better for poking the predator whjen you want him to move or waste a heal


Hipfire at midrange + >
ADSing does jack for accuracy in this game

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Don’t care. SMGs suck in terms of accuracy per shot because it shoots too fast. So what a grenade can do more damage…but can anyone use a grenade with accuracy? hell no. We are talking about practicality. Nobody has the aim and perfect gun play to deal with SMG. its not practical unless they increase the ammo. SMGs are those guns that that one particular person uses on that rare occasion when the predator is already been blasted one too many times, then all it takes is that half second spurt of SMG to wind him down…but that is rare.

that just means you don’t know how to control the recoil i have no problems shooting straight in close range making it far suprior and i don’t use the recoil perk
and yes people can throw grenades with accuracy
and the spurt of smg is not rare at least not for my squad who all run 2ndary smg’s and we kill nearly every pred we run into in fact when certain dailies/weeklies are up we get mad at how easy it is to kill preds rather than complete the mission

i perfer to encourage players to be better rather than not
but fair enough i can’t make you commit to “getting good” but just know whenever you die to a melee predator you coulda just killed him first by not using a shotgun and using a AR or an SMG

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ahh thanks for the info. though unless it’s lag i still feel predators take bullets. point black fire and it’s bloody yeah but still takes out the team with melee? just my own exp though.