First off, I would like to say “Excellent job with PHG”. Just wondering if there are plans to introduce a computer controlled predator as you guys did with the fireteam. Also, I think a nice addition to the game would be a Predalien. Thoughts/ comments?
A.I Predator
Have you seen the ai in this game?
AI pred walks up to you, stares awkwardly for 4 to 10 seconds.
Plasma spam rooted in one spot until downed.
climbs up and down tree for 10 min trying to path to the FT.
Nah that’s just me playing pred
Same TBH, I am terrible at pred. FT love to get me as pred, cuz I derp around missing for about 7 or 8 mins then die.
I know right, ghost recon did it and it was great!
Yes, and the FT AI isn’t bad
Just leaping around every-time you look at them.
Clearly new to the game
Don’t fuck it up then were gonna wait 2 months for an AI predator instead of getting gauntlet mode
inb4 they cancelled it after Clash bombed
What where you hear that from?
Just jokes as we’ve been waiting a year now
If illfonic can create an a.I. Predator that would be great.