About a prey DLC

By reading this thread I noticed the "community " of this forum is full of pessimistic Karens xD

All the work needed to put together the Feral is not that difficult, they just need to put the right guys up to the task.

And this is the problem, because if I have read well other topics, they are working on multiple games at once and splitted the PHG team on these.

Repeating DICE’s mistakes is the problem.

I mean…

If “pessimistic Karens”, you mean "deprived of a properly working game for 2 years.


Some folks have bought the deluxe edition of the game, every dlc till this date and have given enough illfonic nothing but relentless support since the beginning 2 years ago.

Then there’s the few whom have picked it up within the last 3 to 4 months with Prey coming out, coming here, reading 2 topics, then painting the community with a brush.

Sure to some Naieve folk, the community comes off as unreasonable (some folks truly are), but illfonic is yet to deliver a product that encompasses the Predator IP as a whole. (Day 1 bugs still persist, games matchmaking is Swiss cheese, nothing is ever added to substantially improve the experience of the game and the devs have no control over communication)

I’d consider it more of a collection of folk who went deprived for 10 years with no Predator game, only to recieve the 2018 of Predator games… it’s truly sad.

And now Aliens is launching a brand new game ontop of Aliens FTE. In less time than PHG has been out.

Predator just gonna be fed table scraps like Bart Simpsons ugly twin in the attic???


@Scarface_1983 and @Thunderwolf450 as dlcs would make some money


I want the Pirate Pred, just so I can blast some Alestorm over comms

New Dlc AVP confirmed

1 . Predator Tanks
2 . Predator Scar
3 . Predator Celtic

New Udpate Confirmed 28 june !!! 18 days


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Then it ain’t coming

Then stop spamming the threads and saying its “confirmed”. Didn’t you say you were like 16 years old? You’re extremely immature for someone that old, dude.



shields nerf immediately. is skin only if Game Connection is still Live

The game works, what are you talking about??

Yes there are bugs, and they varies depending of the players’ machine.

But aside map optimisations (wich can cause game crashe for players with low V-Ram) and auto-slam with the predator I don’t get any game breaking bugs.

Most of them are due to connection problems with PS players or players with high pings (over 70ms) adamant to play.

There still a lot to improve sure, the game is working properly in the good conditions though.


And this is a typical “I don’t experience what everyone else is so it doesn’t exist” comment.

Some players experience:

  • massive frame drops that turn games frames to like 2 fps
  • button inputs that don’t work properly
  • audio glitches that ruin the ambiance and whole point of having audio
  • predator movement mechanics usually end up in you being put in a position you didn’t intend to put your predator.
  • I could make a list but people here on the forum already do that on a daily basis.

So please.

Just because you yourself have had a super peachy experience, doesn’t mean this game is anywhere close to where it needs to be 2 years into its development.


Exactly so… 2 / 10 matches? If that?

I have over 5k hours in the game so I’d hope I would have some input on this.

Even those matches, there will be mechanics that you STILL have to put up with or issues regarding the game.

Barely functioning doesn’t = working properly.

Good one



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Look at mr black, city hunter, wolf…You think they care about making it 100% movie accurate? I don’t think they will pass on opportunity to get more money on the hype of the new movie.

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Fuck yeh. Give predator a bullet based weapon that is also a hitscan.

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I thought so to but seems to be it has a orange energy instead of blue like we normally see. Another video of the predator whipping out its wristblades to kill a wolf shows the same orange glow

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You may have a point there. I guess i really wanted it to be fire, like they found a way to make him detectable.

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Watch your words, I never said the bugs and other glitches you listed never existed, some occured to me.

Button input, auto power slam and slash (left mouse click locked for whatever reason)
Sometime I go stuck when landing where i shouldn’t

Fps drops yeah, depending of the maps’ optimisation and conenction with other players… and or some google tabs open in the backgrounds because matchmaking kind of can get longish.

So don’t assume things you don’t know, as you said, people report dailys these issues, so why bother listing everytime this topic comes up…in another topic.