About hit scan

Many players are upset that the FT has hit scan weapons, but I don’t think projectiles would be worth coding in a game like this. I would prefer it, but it wouldn’t make much of a difference. Consider that many modern assault rifle bullets travel at 1200 m/s. Most engagements are within a hundred meters and even the longest range PC low graphics exploiters are still engaging at about 200 - 250 m. Examples below.

At 100 m, a 1200 m/s bullet will only take 8.3 hundredths of a second to hit a target, and at 250 it has only increased to 2.03 tenths of a second. It’s not going to make a big difference on small maps.

What would fix the problem is removing low graphic settings from PC options.

If they can implement well, it might honestly feel better.
Just a feeling. Projectile I mean.

I think I agree. For the amount of effort it would take to implement the benefit would be insignificant.

I agree, but I don’t think is easy to code. Call of duty used hit scan until their last release. There must be some reason why they didn’t do it earlier.

Especially with how hit boxes aren’t properly sized addind bullet physics could end up being a nightmare for FT

Idk I asked them if it was possible to implement but they ignored the question.

Same bullet drop as arrows, idk what this realism shit is in a game where you can put drum mags on half the weapons. Fixing low settings doesn’t stop point and click sniping. Projectile speed in general would make a difference when it comes to sniping preds in the middle of a leap.

It stops them from doing it at ranges where it’s relevant, because they wouldn’t be able to see you.

What do you have against travel time for bullets rather than the damage being instantly calculated as soon as you mouse over the pred?

I think it’s more of an issue of illfonic not being able to implement it without fkn it up.

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Aside from arrows spawning out of the side of the bow and getting stuck in things, projectiles are already in the game.
FT’s crouched hitboxes are more fucked than the preds.

Ya I know that, but idk, illfonic doesnt really have a good track record here.

Even if I don’t use it, I think removing low graphic will change nothing to the meta. All medium settings, still easy to see the Predator across the map, all high still easy to see the Predator across the map, all epic you need 2080ti that cost 1300€ (even all high if we have to be honest). In my opinion to help people avoiding snipers they have to add more trees in the middle of the map in derailed and increasing the damage reduction of the mask to the head , plus making SAWZ requiring 8 hit to send a Predator in second wind instead of 7 (small nerf but usefull). They will never change weapons to projectile it will require long work.

Projectile may be hard but is 1000x better